Machine Translation: from Research to Real Users

5th conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, AMTA 2000,

Tiburon, CA, USA, October 2002

Edited by Stephen D. Richardson

Berlin/Heidelberg/New York: Springer Verlag, 2002

ISBN: 3-540-44282-0

(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2499)

Table of Contents

[For copyright reasons these papers are only available directly from the publisher, full access requires registration.]


Technical papers

Jaime Carbonell,Katharina Probst, Erik Peterson, Christian Monson, Alon Lavie, Ralf Brown, and Lori Levin: Automatic rule learning for resource-limited MT; pp. 1-10

Michael Carl,Andy Way, and Reinhard Schäler: Toward a hybrid integarted translation environment ; pp. 11-20

Thomas C.Chuang, G.N.You, and Jason Chang: Adaptive bilingual sentence alignment ; pp.  21-30

Bonnie J.Dorr, Lisa Pearl,Rebecca Hwa, and Nizar Habash: DUSTer: a method for unraveling cross-language divergences for statistical word-level alignment; pp. 31-43

George Foster,Philippe Langlais,and Guy Lapalme: Text prediction with fuzzy alignment; pp. 44-53

Ismael Garcia Varea, Franz J.Och, Hermann Ney, and Francisco Casacuberta: Efficient integration of maximum entropy lexicon models within the training of statistical alignment models; pp. 54-63

 Claudia Gdaniec and Esmé Manandise: Using word formation rules to extend MT lexicons; pp. 64-73

Nano Gough,Andy Way, and Mary Hearne: Example-based machine translation via the Web; pp. 74-83

Nizar Habash and Bonnie Dorr: handling translation divergences: combining statistical and symbolic techniques in generation-heavy machine translation; pp. 84-93

Changhyun Kim, Munpyo Hong, Yinxia Huang, Young Kil Kim, Sung Il Yang, Young Ae Seo, and Sung-Kwon Choi: Korean-Chinese machine translation based on verb patterns; pp. 94-103

Philippe Langlais and Michel Simard: Merging example-based and statistical machine translation: an experiment; pp.104-113

Hyo-Kyung Lee: Classification approach to word selection in machine translation ; pp. 114-123

Arul Menezes: Better contextual translation using machine learning; pp. 124-134

Robert C. Moore: Fast and accurate sentence alignment of bilingual corpora; pp. 135-144

Eric Nyberg, Teruko Mitamura, Kathryn Baker, David Svoboda, Brian Peterson, and Jennifer Williams: Deriving semantic knowledge from descriptive texts using an MT system; pp. 145-154

Radu Soricut, Kevin Knight, and daniel Marcu: using a large monolingual corpus to improve translation accuracy; pp. 155-164

Takehito Utsuro, Takashi Horiuchi, Yasunobu Chiba, and Takeshi Hamamoto: Semi-automatic compilation of bilingual lexcion entries from cross-lingually relevant news articles on WWW news sites; pp. 165-176

Ruvan Weerasinghe: Bootstrapping the lexicon building process for machine translation between 'new' languages; pp. 177-186

User studies

Anthony Clarke,Elisabeth Maier, and Hans-Udo Stadler: A report on the experiences of implementing an MT system for use in a commercial environment; pp. 187-194

Vernon Morland: Getting the message in: a global company's experience with the new generation of low-cost,high-performance machine translation systems; pp. 195-206

Nestor Rychtyckyj: An assessment of machine translation for vehicle assembly process planning at Ford Motor Company; pp.207-215

System descriptions

Eli Abir, Steve Klein, David Miller, and Michael Steinbaum: Fluent Machines' EliMT system; pp. 216-219

Glenn A. Akers: LogoMedia TRANSLATE,Version 2.0; pp. 220-223

Howard J.Bender: Natural intelligence in a machine translation system; pp. 224-228

Bryce Benjamin, Kevin Knight, and Daniel Marcu: Translation by the numbers: Language Weaver; pp. 229-231

Michael Blekhman, Andrei Kursin, and Alia Rakova: A new family of the PARS translation systems; pp. 232-236

Willaim B. Dolan, Jessie Pinkham, and Stephen D.Richardson: MSR-MT: the Microsoft research machine translation system; pp. 237-239

Alon Lavie, Lori Levin, Robert frederking, and Fabio Pianesi: The NESPOLE! speech-to-speech translation system; pp. 240-243

Teriuko Mitamura,Eric Nyberg, Kathy Baker, Peter Cramer, Jeongwoo Ko, David Svoboda,and Michael Duggan: The KANTOO MT sytem: controlled language checker and lexical maintenance tool ; pp. 244-247

Christine A. Montgomery, and Naicong Li: Approaches to spoken translation; pp. 248-252


Ralf Brown: Example-based machine translation

Joshua Goodman: The state of the art in language modeling


[Conference report in MT News International  no. 31, Winter 2002]