Statistical Machine Translation

Proceedings of the Workshop

New York, NY, USA, 8-9 June 2006.

[full proceedings, PDF, 3962KB]


Table of contents


Maja Popović, Adrià de Gispert, Deepa Gupta, Patrik Lambert, Hermann Ney, José B. Mariño, Marcello Federico, & Rafael Banchs: Morpho-syntactic information for automatic error analysis of statistical machine translation output.  ....1-6 [PDF, 306KB]

İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout & Kemal Oflazer: Initial explorations in English to Turkish statistical machine translation. ....7-14 [PDF, 137KB]

Anas El Isbihani, Shahram Khadivi, Oliver Bender, & Hermann Ney: Morpho-syntactic Arabic preprocessing for Arabic-to-English statistical machine translation.  ....15-22 [PDF, 156KB]

David A. Smith & Jason Eisner: Quasi-synchronous grammars: alignment by soft projection of syntactic dependencies.  ....23-30 [PDF, 207KB]

John DeNero, Dan Gillick, James Zhang, & Dan Klein: Why generative phrase models underperform surface heuristics.  ....31-38 [PDF, 393KB]

Philippe Langlais & Fabrizio Gotti: Phrase-based SMT in shallow tree-phrases.  ....39-46 [PDF, 190KB]

Luis Rodríguez, Ismael García-Varea, & José A. Gámez: Searching for alignments in SMT: a novel approach based on an estimation of distribution algorithm. ....47-54 [PDF, 478KB]

Richard Zens & Hermann Ney: Discriminative reordering models for statistical machine translation.  ....55-63 [PDF, 153KB]

Daniel Ortiz Martínez, Ismael García Varea, & Francisco Casacuberta Nolla: Generalizing stack decoding algorithms for statistical machine translation.  ....64-71 [PDF, 239KB]

Richard Zens & Hermann Ney: N-gram posterior probabilities for statistical machine translation.  ....72-77 [PDF, 133KB]

Jia Xu, Richard Zens, & Hermann Ney: Partitioning parallel documents using binary segmentation. ....78-85 [PDF, 433KB]

Karolina Owczarzak, Declan Groves, Josef Van Genabith, & Andy Way: Contextual bitext-derived paraphrases in automatic MT evaluation. ....86-93 [PDF, 222KB]

Marcello Federico & Nicola Bertoldi: How many bits are needed to store probabilities for phrase-based translation?  ....94-101 [PDF, 204KB]

Philipp Koehn & Christof Monz: Manual and automatic evaluation of machine translation between European languages.  ....102-121 [PDF, 199KB]

Taro Watanabe, Hajime Tsukada, & Hideki Isozaki: NTT system description for the WMT2006 shared task.  ....122-125 [PDF, 91KB]

Alexandre Patry, Fabrizio Gotti, & Philippe Langlais: Mood at work: Ramses versus Pharaoh. ....126-129 [PDF, 67KB]

J.A.Sánchez & J.M.Benedí: Stochastic inversion transduction grammars for obtaining word phrases for phrase-based statistical machine translation. ....130-133 [PDF, 91KB]

Howard Johnson, Fatiha Sadat, George Foster, Roland Kuhn, Michel Simard, Eric Joanis, & Samuel Larkin: PORTAGE, with smoothed phrase tables and segment choice models.  ....134-137 [PDF, 118KB]

Andreas Zollmann & Ashish Venugopal: Syntax augmented machine translation via chart parsing.  ....138-141 [PDF, 99KB]

Marta R. Costa-jussà, Josep M. Crego, Adrià de Gispert, Patrik Lambert, Maxim Khalilov, Rafael E. Banchs, José B. Mariño, & José A.R.Fonollosa: TALP phrase-based statistical translation system for European language pairs.  ....142-145 [PDF, 183KB]

Marian Olteanu, Chris Davis, Ionut Volosen, & Dan Moldovan: Phramer – an open source statistical pharse-based translator.  ....146-149 [PDF, 125KB]

Marian Olteanu, Pasin Suriyentrakorn, & Dan Moldovan: Language models and reranking for machine translation.  ....150-153 [PDF, 115KB]

Alexandra Birch, Chris Callison-Burch, Miles Osborne, & Philipp Koehn: Constraining the phrase-based, joint probability statistical translation model.  ....154-157 [PDF, 134KB]

Arul Menezes, Kristina Toutanova, & Chris Quirk: Microsoft Research treelet translation system: NAACL 2006 Europarl evaluation.  ....158-161 [PDF, 676KB]

Josep M. Crego, Adrià de Gispert, Patrik Lambert, Marta R. Costa-jussà, Maxim Khalilov, Rafael E.Banchs, José B.Mariño, & José A.R.Fonollosa: N-gram-based SMT system enhanced with reordering patterns.  ....162-165 [PDF, 209KB]

Jesús Giménez & Lluís Màrquez: The LDV-COMBO system for SMT.  ....166-169 [PDF, 183KB]


Complete proceedings of workshop