Proceedings of the

First International Workshop on


Rule-Based Machine Translation

2-3 November 2009

Universitat d’Alacant

Alacant, Spain


Edited by

Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz

Felipe Sánchez-Martinez

Francis M.Tyers



Table of Contents



Invited talks

Matxin: developing sustainable machine translation for a less-resourced language

Kepa Sarasola  .............................................................................................        1

Anusaaraka: An accessor cum machine translator

Amba Kulkarni.............................................................................................        1

Platforms for free/open-source rule-based machine translation


The Apertium machine translation platform : Five years on

Mikel L. Forcada, Francis M. Tyers and Gema Ramírez-Sánchez .................        3

Matxin: Moving towards language independence

Aingeru Mayor and Francis M. Tyers  .........................................................      11

OpenLogos MT and the SAL representation language

Bernard Scott and Anabela Barreiro   .........................................................      19

Free/open-source linguistic data and language pairs


Shallow-transfer rule-based machine translation for Swedish to Danish

Francis M. Tyers and Jacob Nordfalk   ........................................................      27

Reuse of free resources in machine translation between Nynorsk and Bokmål

Kevin Unhammer and Trond Trosterud   ....................................................      35

Development of a morphological analyser for Bengali

Abu Zaher Md. Faridee and Francis M. Tyers .............................................      43

Technical issues in free/open-source machine translation

An open-source highly scalable web service architecture for the Apertium

machine translation engine

Victor M. Sánchez-Cartagena and Juan Antonio Pérez-Ortiz   .....................      51

Apertium goes SOA: an efficient and scalable service based on the Apertium rule-based

machine translation platform

Pasquale Minervini .......................................................................................      59


A trigram part-of-speech tagger for the Apertium free/open-source machine translation


Zaid Md Abdul Wahab Sheikh and Felipe Sánchez-Martínez   ................      67

Joint efforts to further develop and incorporate Apertium  into the document manage-

ment   flow at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Luis Villarejo Muñoz, Sergio Ortiz Rojas and Mireia Ginestí  Rosell .......      75