First Machine Translation Marathon

Edinburgh, April 16-20, 2007


Monday, 11:00: "Efficient handling of n-gram language models for statistical machine translation" by Marcello Federico, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy

Monday, 11:45: "Smooth bloom filter language models", by David Talbot and Miles Osborne, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Tuesday, 11:00: "Tree-based translation with tectogrammatical representation", by Jan Hajic and Ondrej Bojar, Charles University, Prague

Tuesday, 11:45: "Hybrid machine translation: combining rule-based and statistical systems", by Andreas Eisele, Saarland University, Germany

Wednesday, 11:00: "Machine translation as tree labeling", by Mark Hopkins and Jonas Kuhn, University of Potsdam, Germany

Wednesday, 11:45: "Hierarchical and syntax structured machine translation", by Ashish Venugopal and Andreas Zollmann, CMU, Pittsburgh, USA

Thursday, 11:00: "Asynchronous factored translation", by Hieu Hoang, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Thursday, 11:45: "Discriminative training for phrase-based machine translation", by Abhishek Arun, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Friday, 11:00: "Spoken language translation through confusion network decoding", by Nicola Bertoldi, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy

Friday, 11:45: "Decoder-guided backoff: using word lattices to improve translation from morphologically complex languages", by Chris Dyer, University of Maryland, College Park, USA