Machine Translation Archive
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(2012) Gerhard Kremer, Matthias Hartung, Sebastian
Padó & Stefan Riezler: Statistical machine
translation support improves human adjective translation. Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition 2
(1), July 2012; pp.103-126. [PDF, 266KB]
(2011) Alex Rudnick: Towards
cross-language word sense disambiguation for Quechua. [RANLP 2011] Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop associated
with RANLP 201,
(2013) Zhiyang Wang, Yajuan Lü, Meng Sun, & Qun
Liu: Stem translation with affix-based rule
selection for agglutinative languages. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.364-369.
[PDF, 667KB]
(2013) Zhiyang Wang, Yajuan Lü, Meng Sun, & Qun
Liu: Stem translation with affix-based rule
selection for agglutinative languages. rdCL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.364-369.
[PDF, 667KB]
(2012) M.Talha Çakmak, Süleyman Acar, &
Gülşen Eryiğit: Word alignment for
English-Turkish language pair. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Thoudam Doren Singh: Addressing some issues of data sparsity
towards improving English-Manipuri SMT using morphological information. AMTA-2012: Monolingual machine
translation-2012 workshop. Proceedings,
(2012) Gábor Prószéky: Language technology methods
inspired by an agglutinative, free-phrase-order language [abstract]. In: Crosslingual
Language Technology in service of an integrated multilingual Europe,
4-5 May 2012,
(2012) Loganathan Ramasamy, Zdeněk Žabokrtský,
& Sowmya Vajjala: The study of effect of
length in morphological segmentation of agglutinative languages. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the First Workshop on Multilingual Modeling, Jeju,
(2012) Annette Rios & Anne
Göhring: A tree is a Baum is an árbol is a sach’a: creating a trilingual treebank. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2011) Zhiyang Wang, Yajuan
Lü, & Qun Liu: Multi-granularity word alignment
and decoding for agglutinative language translation. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit
[organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT),
19-23 September 2011,
Parsing; Semantic analysis; Syntactic analyis
Anaphora resolution
(2014) Christian Hardmeier, Sara Stymne, Jörg
Tiedemann, Aaron Smith, & Joakim Nivre: Anaphora
models and reordering for phrase-based SMT. [WMT 2014] Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2014) Christian Hardmeier: Discourse in statistical machine translation
[abstract]. PhD thesis,
(2013) Christian Hardmeier, Jörg
Tiedemann & Joakim Nivre: Latent
anaphora resolution for cross-lingual pronoun prediction. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.380-391. [PDF, 274KB]
(2013) Michal
Novák, Anna Nedoluzhko, & Zdeněk Žabokrtský: Translation of “it” in a deep syntax framework.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse
in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Eric
Wehrli & Luka Nerima: Anaphora resolution,
collocations and translation. [MT
(2012) Chen
Chen & Vincent Ng: Combining the best of two worlds: a hybrid approach to multilingual
coreference resolution. Proceedings
of the Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2012) Baoli Li: Learning to model multilingual unrestricted
coreference in OntoNotes. Proceedings
of the Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2012) Xinxin Li, Xuan Wang,
& Wingwei Liao: Simple maximum entropy models
for multilingual coreference resolution. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task,
July 13, 2012,
(2012) Hirotoshi Taira,
Katsuhito Sudoh, & Masaaki Nagata: Zero
pronoun resolution can improve the quality of J-E translation. SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics
and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju,
(2012) Olga Uryupina,
Alessandro Moschitti, & Massimo Poesio: BART
goes multilingual: the UniTN/Essex submission to the CoNLL-2012 shared task.
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on
EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2012) Kateřina
Veselovská, Nguy Giang Linh, & Michal Novák: Using Czech-English parallel corpora in automatic
identification of it. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop,
26 May 2012,
(2012) Hao Xiong & Qun
Liu: ICT: system description for CoNLL-2012.
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on
EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2012) Desislava Zhekova,
Sandra Kübler, Joshua Bonner, Marwa Ragheb, & Yu-Yin Hsu: UBIU for multilingual coreference resolution in
OntoNotes. Proceedings of the Joint
Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2011) Elizabeth Baran &
Nianwen Xue: Singular or plural? Exploiting
parallel corpora for Chinese number prediction. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized
by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23
September 2011,
(2011) Sergey Kulikov: What is web-based machine translation up to?
(2010) Christian Hardmeier & Marcello Federico: Modelling pronominal anaphora in statistical
machine translation. Proceedings of
the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2-3 December
(2010) Ronan Le Nagard
& Philipp Koehn: Aiding pronouns
translation with co-reference resolution. ACL
2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the
workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
Annotation and features [see also Linguistic features]
(2014) Vicent Alabau & Luis A.Leiva: Collaborative web UI localization, or how to build
feature-rich multilingual datasets. Proceedings of the 17th annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2014,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16th-18th June 2014, edited by Marko Tadić, Philipp
Koehn, Johann Roturier, Andy Way; pp..151-154. [PDF, 352KB]
(2014) Eleftherios Avramidis, Aljoscha Burchardt,
Sabine Hunsicker, Maja Popović, Cindy Tscherwinka, David Vilar, & Hans
Uszkoreit: The TaraXŰ corpus of
human-annotated machine translations.
LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall
and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.
2679-2682. [PDF, 98KB]
(2014) Ann Bies, Justin Mott, Seth Kulick, Jennifer
Garland, & Colin Warner: Incorporating
alternate translations into English Translation Treebank. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1863-1868. [PDF, 339KB]
(2014) Eunah Cho, Sarah Fünfer, Sebastian Stüker,
& Alex Waibel: A corpus of spontaneous speech
in lectures: the KIT lecture corpus for spoken language processing and
translation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center,
Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1554-1559. [PDF, 146KB]
(2014) Mikel L.Forcada: On
the annotation of TMX translation memories for advanced leveraging in
computer-aided translation.LREC 2014:
Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May
26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.4374-4378. [PDF, 123KB]
(2014) Miriam Kaeshammer & Anika Westburg: On complex word alignment configurations. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.1773-1780. [PDF, 171KB]
(2014) Chi-kiu Lo & Dekai Wu: On the reliability and inter-annotator agreement of
human semantic MT evaluation via HMEANT. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center,
Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.602-607. [PDF, 279KB]
(2014) Arle Lommel, Aljoscha Burchardt, Maja
Popović, Kim Harris, Eleftherios Avramidis, & Hans Uszkoreit: Using a new analytic measure for the annotation and
analysis of MT errors on real data. Proceedings of the 17th annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2014,
Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16th-18th June 2014, edited by Marko Tadić, Philipp
Koehn, Johann Roturier, Andy Way; pp.165-172. [PDF, 1781KB]
(2014) Yves Scherrer & Benoît Sagot: A language-independent and fully unsupervised
approach t lexicon induction and part-of-speech tagging for closely related
languages. LREC 2014: Ninth
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31,
2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.502-508. [PDF, 184KB]
(2014) Marco Turchi & Bruno Kessler: Automatic annotation of machine translation
datasets with binary quality
judgements. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.1788-1792. [PDF, 99KB]
(2013) Heike Adel, Ngoc Thang Vu, & Tanja Schultz:
Combination of recurrent neural networks and
factored language models for code-switching language modeling. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia,
Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.206-211. [PDF, 210KB]
(2013) Colin Cherry: Improved reordering for phrase-based
translation using sparse features. [NAACL-HLT
2013] The 2013 conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Trevor Cohn & Lucia Specia: Modelling annotator bias with multi-task Gaussian
processes: an application to machine translation quality estimation. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Pedro Luís Díez Orzas: ITS 2.0 automated translation of natural
language content: multilingual web linguistic technology. [Aslib 2013] Translating and the Computer 35, 28-29 November 2013, etc.venues,
(2013) Vladimir
Eidelman, Ke Wu, Ferhan Ture, Philip Resnik & Jimmy Lin: Towards efficient
large-scale feature-rich statistical machine translation. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Spence Green, Sida Wang, Daniel Cer, & Christopher
D.Manning: Fast and adaptive online training of
feature-rich translation models. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2013) Spence Green, Daniel Cer, Kevin Reschke, Rob
Voigt, John Bauer, Sida Wang, Natalia Silveira, Julia Neidert & Christopher
D. Manning: Feature-rich phrase-based translation: Stanford
University’s submission to the WMT 2013 translation task. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Zhongqiang Huang, Jacob Devlin
& Rabih Zbib: Factored soft source syntactic
constraints for hierarchical machine translation. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in
Natural Language Processing, Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013;
pp.556-566. [PDF, 350KB]
(2013) Stéphane
Huet, Elena Manishina & Fabrice Lefèvre: Factored Machine Translation Systems for
Russian-English. WMT 2013: 8th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop,
August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Mikhail Kozhevnikov & Ivan Titov: Cross-lingual transfer of semantic role
labeling models. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2013) Uri Lerner & Slav Petrov: Source-side classifier preordering for machine
translation. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings
of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.513-523. [PDF, 132KB]
(2013) Lemao Liu, Tiejun Zhao, Taro
Watanabe, & Eiichiro Sumita: Tuning SMT with
a large number of features via online feature grouping. International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Thomas Meyer & Lucie Poláková: Machine translation with many manually labeled
discourse connectives. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Jiří Mírovský,
Kateřina Rysová, Magdaléna Rysová, & Eva Hajičová: (Pre-)annotation of
topic-focus articulation in Prague Czech-English dependency treebank. International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Maria
Nadejde, Philip Williams, & Philipp Koehn: Edinburgh’s syntax-based machine translation
systems. WMT 2013: 8th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop,
August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Michal Novák, Anna Nedoluzhko, &
Zdeněk Žabokrtský: Translation of “it” in
a deep syntax framework. Proceedings
of the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Kashif Shah, Trevor Cohn, & Lucia Specia: An investigation on the effectiveness of features for
translation quality estimation. Proceedings
of the XIV Machine Translation Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed.
K.Sima’an, M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick, H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.167-174. [PDF,
(2013) Sara Stymne, Christian Hardmeier, Jörg
Tiedemann, & Joakim Nivre: Feature weight
optimization for discourse-level MT.
Proceedings of the Workshop on
Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
Marco Turchi, Matteo Negri & Marcello Federico: Coping with the subjectivity of human
judgements in MT quality estimation. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings
of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Zdenka Uresova, Jana Sindlerova, Eva Fucikova,
& Jan Hajic: An analysis of annotation of
verb-noun idiomatic combinations in a parallel dependency corpus. [NAACL HLT 2013] Proceedings of the 9th
Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2013), Atlanta, Georgia, 13-14 June,
2013; pp.58-63. [PDF, 115KB]
(2013) Darnes Vilariño, David Pinto, Saúl León,
Yuridiana Alemán, & Helena Gómez-Adorno: BUAP:
N-gram based feature evaluation for the cross-lingual textual entailment task.
[SEM-2013] Second Joint Conference on
Lexical and Computational Semantics, Volume
2: Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation,
(2013) Jennifer Williams, Rafael Banchs, & Haizhou
Li: Meaning unit segmentation in English
and Chinese: a new approach to discourse phenomena. Proceedings
of the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Mo Yu, Tiejun Zhao, Yalong Bai, Hao Tian, &
Dianhai Yu: Cross-lingual projections between
languages from differenr families. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.312-317.
[PDF, 187KB]
(2012) Eleftherios Avramidis: Quality estimation for machine translation output
using linguistic analysis and decoding features. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Eleftherios Avramidis, Marta R.Costa-jussà,
Christian Federmann, Maite Melero, Pavel Pecina, & Josef van Genabith: A richly annotated, multilingual parallel
corpus for hybrid machine translation. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie J.Dorr,
Chris Callison-Burch, Nathaniel W.Filardo, Christine Piatko, Lori Levin, &
Scott Miller: Use of modality and negation in
semantically-informed syntactic MT. Computational
Linguistics 38 (2), pp. 411-438. [PDF, 3140KB]
(2012) Ondřej Bojar,
Bushra Jawaid, & Amir Kamran: Probes in a
taxonomy of factored phrase-based models. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Cristina Bosco, Manuela Sanguinetti, &
Leonardo Lesmo: The Parallel-TUT: a multilingual
and multiformat treebank. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Christian Buck: Black box features for the WMT 2012 quality estimation
shared task. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop
on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8,
(2012) Colin Cherry & Barry Haddow: Sparse features in Moses. Machine Translation Marathon 2012 September
(2012) Jonathan H.Clark, Alon Lavie, & Chris Dyer:
One system, many domains: open-domain statistical
machine translation via feature augmentation. AMTA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the
(2012) Greg Durrett, Adam
Pauls, & Dan Klein: Syntactic transfer
using a bilingual lexicon. EMNLP-CoNLL
2012: Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and
Computational Natural Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference,
July 12-14, Jeju Island, Korea; pp.1-11. [PDF, 286KB]
(2012) Ondřej Dušek,
Zdeněk Žabokrtský, Martin Popel, Martin Majliš, Michal Novák, & David
Mareček: Formemes in English-Czech deep
syntactic MT. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop
on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8,
(2012) Christian Federmann: Hybrid machine translation using joint,
binarised feature vectors. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2012) Christian Federmann: System combination using joint, binarised
feature vectors. COLING 2012: Second
Workshop on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of
Labour in Hybrid MT (ML4HMT), Mumbai, December 2012; pp.77-83. [PDF, 116KB]
(2012) Christian Federmann, Eleftherios Avramidis,
Marta R.Costa-jussà, Maite Melero, Pavel Pecina, & Josef van Genabith: The ML4HMT workshop on optimising the division
of labour in hybrid machine translation.
LREC 2012: Eighth international
conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Christian Federmann,
(2012) Mariano Felice &
Lucia Specia: Linguistic features for quality
estimation. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Mark Fishel, Ondřej Bojar, & Maja
Popović: Terra: a collection of translation
error-annotated corpora. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Muhammad Usman Ghani Khan, Rao Muhammad Adeel
Nawab, & Yoshihiko Gotoh: Natural
language descriptions of visual scenes: corpus generation and analysis. EACL Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies
between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid
Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop,
23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France; pp. 38-47. [PDF, 641KB]
(2012) Jesús González Rubio,
Alberto Sanchís, & Francisco Casacuberta: PRHLT submission to the WMT12 quality
estimation task. WMT 2012: 7th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop,
June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Liane Guillou: Improving
pronoun translation for statistical machine translation. [EACL 2012] Proceedings of the EACL Student
Research Workshop,
(2012) Eva Hajičová & Petr Sgall:
Formal models and practice of annotation [abstract]. In: Crosslingual Language Technology in service
of an integrated multilingual Europe, 4-5 May 2012,
(2012) Eva Hasler, Barry Haddow, & Philipp Koehn: Sparse lexicalised features and topic adaptation
for SMT. IWSLT-2012: 9th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) Matthias Huck, Stephan Peitz, Markus Freitag,
& Hermann Ney: Discriminative reordering
extensions for hierarchical phrase-based machine translation. EAMT 2012: Proceedings of the 16th Annual
Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Trento,
Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed. Mauro Cettolo, Marcello Federico, Lucia Specia, Andy Way; pp.313-320. [PDF, 211KB]
(2012) Quoc Hung-Ngo &
Werner Winiwarter: A visualizing annotation
tool for semi-automatically building a bilingual corpus. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop,
26 May 2012,
(2012) Svetla
Koeva: ATLAS – human language technologies
integrated within a multilingual web content management system. EACL Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies
between Information Retrieval and Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid
Approaches to Machine Translation (HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop,
23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France; pp.72-76. [PDF, 331KB]
(2012) David Langlois, Sylvain
Raybaud, & Kamel Smaïli: LORIA system for
the WMT12 quality estimation shared task. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Yashar Mehdad, Matteo
Negri, & Marcello Federico: Match without a
referee: evaluating MT adequacy without reference translations. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Thomas Meyer, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Najeh
Hajlaoui, & Andrea Gesmundo: Machine
translation of labeled discourse connectives. AMTA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the
(2012) Dávid Márk Nemeskey
& Eszter Simon: Automatically generated NE
tagged corpora for Englsih and Hungarian. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of NEWS 2012 Named Entities Workshop, July
12, 2012, Jeju,
(2012) Danielle L.Mowery, Sumithra Velupillai, & Wendy
W.Chapman: Medical diagnosis lost in
translation – analysis of uncertainty and negation expressions in English and
Swedish clinical texts. Proceedings
of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2012),
Montréal, Canada, June 8, 2012; pp.56-64. [PDF, 288KB]
(2012) Tsuyoshi
Okita: Annotated corpora for word alignment
between Japanese and English and its evaluation with MAP-based word aligner. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Daniele Pighin, Lluís Formiga, & Lluís
Màrquez: A graph-based strategy to streamline
translation quality assessments. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2012) Daniele Pighin, Lluís Màrquez, & Jonathan
May: An analysis (and an annotated corpus) of
user responses to machine translation output. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Daniele Pighin, Lluís Màrquez, & Lluís
Formiga: The FAUST corpus of adequacy
assessments for real-world machine translation output. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Matt Post & Juri Ganitkevich: Sparse features in Joshua. Machine Translation Marathon 2012
September 3-8,
(2012) Daniel Quernheim &
Kevin Knight: Towards probabilistic acceptors
and transducers for feature structures. SSST-6,
Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation,
(2012) Ananthakrishnan
Ramanathan & Karthik Visweswariah: A
study of word-classing for MT reordering.
LREC 2012: Eighth international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation,
21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Annette Rios & Anne
Göhring: A tree is a Baum is an árbol is a sach’a: creating a trilingual treebank. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Raphael Rubino,
Jennifer Foster, Joachim Wagner, Johann Roturier,
Rasul Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, & Fred Hollowood: DCU-Symantec
submission for the WMT 2012 quality estimation task. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation.
Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Avneesh Saluja,
(2012) Patrick Simianer,
Stefan Riezler, & Chris Dyer: Joint feature
selection in distributed stochastic learning for large-scale discriminative
training in SMT. [ACL 2012]
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Radu Soricut, Nguyen
Bach, & Ziyuan Wang: The SDL Language
Weaver systems in the WMT12 quality estimation shared task. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Radu Soricut &
Sushant Narsale: Combining quality prediction
and system selection for improved automatic translation output. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Antonio Toral, Sudip
Kumar Naskar,
(2012) Kateřina
Veselovská, Nguy Giang Linh, & Michal Novák: Using Czech-English parallel corpora in
automatic identification of it. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop,
26 May 2012,
(2012) Rui Wang, Petya Osenova, & Kiril Simov: Linguistically-augmented Bulgarian-to-English
statistical machine translation model. EACL
Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and
Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation
(HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop, 23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France;
pp.119-128. [PDF, 163KB]
(2012) Youzheng Wu, Xugang Lu, Hitoshi Yamamoto,
Shigeki Matsuda, Chiori Hori, & Hideki Kashioka: Factored language model based on recurrent neural
network. Proceedings of COLING 2012:
Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.2835-2850. [PDF, 3816KB]
(2012) PANACEA
(Platform for Automatic,
(2012) TOSCA-MP:
task-oriented search and content annotation for media production. [Project paper at] EAMT 2012: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European
Association for Machine Translation, Trento, Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed.
Mauro Cettolo, Marcello
Federico, Lucia Specia, Andy Way; p.208. [PDF, 78KB]
(2011) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2011) Vamshi Ambati, Sanjika Hewavitharana, Stephan Vogel, & Jaime
Carbonell: Active learning with multiple
annotations for comparable data classification task. ACL 2011: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Building and Using
Comparable Corpora,
(2011) Marilisa Amoia, Kerstin Kunz, & Ekaterina
Lapshinova-Koltunski: Discontinuous constituents:
a problematic case for parallel corpora annotation and querying. AEPC 2011: proceedings of the Second
Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora, associated
with the 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language
Processing (RANLP 2011), 15th September 2011,
(2011) Eleftherios Avramidis: DFKI system combination with sentence ranking
at ML4HMT-2011. [LIHMT] ML4HMT 2011:
Shared Task on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Optimise the Division of
Labour in Hybrid Machine Translation, 19th November,
(2011) Wilker Aziz, Miguel Rios, & Lucia Specia: Improving chunk-based semantic role labelling with
lexical features. [RANLP 2011] Proceedings of Recent Advances
in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011;
pp.226-232. [PDF, 99KB]
(2011) Alexandru Ceausu: Rich
morpho-syntactic descriptors for factored machine translation with highly
inflected languages as target. Machine Translation and Morphologically-
rich Languages: Research Workshop of
the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Boxing Chen, Roland
Kuhn, George Foster, & Howard Johnson: Unpacking
and transforming feature functions: new ways to smooth phrase tables. MT
Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized by the]
Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Christian Chiarcos & Tomaž Erjavec: OWL/DL formalization of the MULTEXT-East
morphosyntactic specifications. Proceedings
of the Fifth LAW Workshop (LAW V),
(2011) Tagyoung
(2011) Oliver Čulo, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Karin
Maksymski, & Stella Neumann: Empty links and
crossing lines: querying multi-layer annotation and alignment in parallel
corpora. Translation: Computation,
Corpora, Cognition
1 (1), December 2011; pp.75-104. [PDF, 923KB]
(2011) Qin Gao & Stephan Vogel: Corpus expansion for statistical machine translation
with semantic role label substitution rules. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Yifan He, Yanjun Ma,
(2011) Philipp Koehn: Factored models for morphology [abstract]. Machine Translation and Morphologically-
rich Languages: Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Chi-kiu Lo & Dekai Wu: A radically simple, effective annotation and alignment
methodology for semantic frame based SMT and MT evaluation. [LIHMT] International Workshop on Using Linguistic
Information for Hybrid Machine Translation, 18th November 2011, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya,
(2011) Erwin Marsi, André Lynum, Lars Bungum, &
(2011) Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli, Yashar Mehdad, Danilo
Giampiccolo, & Alessandro Marchetti: Divide
and conquer: crowdsourcing the creation of cross-lingual textual entailment
corpora. [EMNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
July 27-31, 2011; pp.670-679. [PDF, 493KB]
(2011) Kemal Oflazer: Syntax-to-morphology mapping in factored SMT
[abstract]. Machine Translation and Morphologically- rich Languages: Research Workshop of
the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Tsuyoshi Okita
& Andy Way: MWE-sensitive word alignment in
factored translation model. Machine
Translation and Morphologically- rich Languages:
Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Eva Safar: Machine
translation with corpus linguistics and HPSG. International Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar
Technology (SLTAT), 10-11 January 2011, Federal Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs,
(2011) Mara Tsoumari & Georgios Petasis: A new annotation tool for aligned bilingual
corpora. AEPC 2011: proceedings of
the Second Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora,
associated with the 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural
Language Processing (RANLP 2011), 15th September 2011,
(2011) Lonneke van der Plas, Paola Merlo, & James Henderson: Scaling up automatic cross-lingual semantic role
annotation. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings
of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics:
Short papers,
(2011) Viet Ha-Thuc & Nicola
Cancedda: Confidence-weighted learning of factored
discriminitave language models. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Keiji Yasuda, Hideo Okuma, Masao Utiyama, &
Eiichiro Sumita: Annotating data selection for
improving machine translation. IWSLT
2011: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Andreas Zollmann & Stephan Vogel: A word-class approach to labeling PSCFG rules for
machine translation. ACL-HLT 2011:
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2010) Vamshi Ambati,
Stephen Vogel, & Jaime Carbonell: Active
learning and crowd-sourcing for machine translation. LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Wilker Aziz, Marc
Dymetman, Shachar Mirkin, Lucia Specia, Nicola Cancedda, & Ido Dagan: Learning an expert from human annotations in
statistical machine translation: the case of out-of-vocabulary words. EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May
(2010) Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie
J.Dorr, Nathaniel W.Filardo, Lori Levin, & Christine Piatko: A modality lexicon and its use in automatic tagging.
LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Yassine Benajiba & Mona Diab: A web application for dialectal Arabic text
annotation. LREC 2010: Workshop on
Language Resources and Human Language Technology for Semitic Languages,
(2010) Michael Bloodgood
& Chris Callison-Burch: Bucking the trend:
large-scale cost-focused active learning for statistical machine translation.
ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Simon Carter & Christof Monz: Discriminative syntactic reranking for statistical
machine translation. AMTA 2010: the
Ninth conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas,
Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4, 2010; 10pp. [PDF, 143KB]
(2010) Mona Diab, Nizar Habash, Owen Rambow, Mohamed
Altantawy, & Yassine Benajiba: COLABA: Arabic
dialect annotation and processing. LREC
2010: Workshop on Language Resources and Human Language Technology for Semitic
(2010) Kais Dukes & Nizar Habash: Morphological annotation of Quranic Arabic. LREC 2010: proceedings of the
seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, organised by ELRA, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Achille Falaise,
David Rouquet, Didier Schwab, Hervé Blanchon, & Christian Boitet: Ontology driven content extraction using
interlingual annotation of texts in the OMNIA project. [Coling 2010] Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual
Information Access,
(2010) Christian
Federmann: Appraise: an open-source toolkit
for manual phrase-based evaluation of translations. LREC 2010: proceedings of the
seventh international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Yvette Graham & Josef van Genabith: Factor templates for factored machine translation
models. Proceedings of the 7th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2-3 December 2010,
(2010) Spence Green
& Christopher D.Manning: Better Arabic
parsing: baselines, evaluations, and analysis. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Fei Huang &
Bing Xiang: Feature-rich discriminative
phrase rescoring for SMT. Coling
2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings
of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Mitesh M.Khapra,
Saurabh Sohoney, Anup Kulkarni, & Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Value for money: balancing annotation effort,
lexicon building and accuracy for multilingual WSD. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Philipp Koehn,
Barry Haddow, Philip Williams, & Hieu Hoang: More
linguistic annotation for statistical machine translation. ACL
2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR.
Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Xuansong Li, Niyu Ge, Stephen Grimes,
Stephanie M.Strassel, & Kazuaki Maeda: Enriching
word alignment with linguistic tags. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
(2010) Chi-kiu Lo & Dekai Wu: Semantic vs. syntactic vs. n-gram structure for
machine translation evaluation. SSST-4:
Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical
Translation, ed. Dekai Wu. COLING 2010/SIGMT Workshop, 23rd International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, Beijing, China, 28 August 2010; pp.52-60. [PDF, 401KB]
(2010) Lieve Macken: An
annotation scheme and gold standard for Dutch-English word alignment. LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Simon Mille & Leo Wanner: Syntactic dependencies for multilingual and
multilevel corpus annotation. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
(2010) Smruthi Mukund,
Debanjan Ghosh, & Rohini K.Srihari: Using
cross-lingual projections to generate semantic role labeled corpus for Urdu – a
resource poor language. Coling 2010:
23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of
the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Mohamed
Outahajala, Lahbib Zekouar, Paolo Rosso, & M.Antònia Martí: Tagging Amazigh with AnCoraPipe. LREC 2010: Workshop on Language Resources
and Human Language Technology for Semitic Languages,
(2010) Sergio Penkale,
Rejwanul Haque, Sandipan Dandapat, Pratyush Banerjee, Ankit K.Srivastava,
Jinhua Du, Pavel Pecina, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Mikel L.Forcada, & Andy Way: MaTrEx:
the DCU MT system for WMT 2010. ACL 2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the
workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Jan Niehues &
Alex Waibel: Domain adaptation in statistical
machine translation using factored translation models. EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual conference of the European
Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May 2010,
(2010) Narges Sharif
Razavian & Stephan Vogel: Fixed length word
suffix for factored statistical machine translation. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2010) Libin Shen, Bing Zhang,
Spyros Matsoukas, Jinxi Xu, & Ralph Weischedel: Statistical machine translation with a factorized
grammar. [EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA,
9-11 October 2010; pp.616-625. [PDF, 147KB]
(2010) Kathrin Spreyer: Notes on the evaluation of dependency parsers
obtained through cross-lingual projection. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
23-27 August 2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1176-1184. [PDF,
(2010) Lonneke van der
Plas, Tanja Samardžić, & Paola Merlo: Cross-lingual validity of PropBank in the manual
annotation of French. [ACL-2010] Proceedings of the Fourth Linguistic Annotation Workshop,
(2010) Deyi Xiong, Min Zhang, Aiti Aw,
& Haizhou Li: Linguistically annotated
reordering: evaluation and analysis. Computational
Linguistics 36 (3), pp. 535-568 [PDF, 745KB]
(2010) Omar F.Zaidan
& Juri Ganitkevitch: An enriched MT
grammar for under $100. Proceedings of
the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk,
(2011) Yuval Marton, Ahmed El Kholy, & Nizar Habash: Filtering antonymous, trend-contrasting, and
polarity-dissimilar distributional paraphrases for improving statistical
machine translation. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) Yulia
Tsvetkov, Chris Dyer, Lori Levin & Archna Bhatia: Generating English determiners in
phrase-based translation with synthetic translation options. WMT
2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings of the
Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2011) Sara Stymne: Definite
noun phrases in statistical machine translation into Scandinavian languages.
[EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May
2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent
Vandeghinste; pp.289-296. [PDF, 336KB]; presentation,
50 slides [PDF]
Belief representation
(2012) Jungi Kim, Jinseok
(2012) Christophe Servan & Simon Petitrenaud: Calculation of phrase probabilities for
statistical machine translation by using belief functions. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.1101-1110. [PDF, 120KB]
Bracketing transduction grammar see Transduction grammars
Capitalization see Written forms
Case grammar and case frames
(2014) Lars Hellan, Dorothee Beermann, Tore Bruland,
Mary Esther Kropp Dakubu, Montserrat Marimon: MultiVal – towards a multilingual valence lexicon.
LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall
and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.2478-2485. [PDF, 247KB]
(2013) Marion Weller, Alexander Fraser, & Sabine
Schulte im Walde: Using subcategorization
knowledge to improve case prediction for translation into German. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2011) David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa, Petra Galuščáková, &
Ondřej Bojar: Two-step translation with
grammatical post-processing. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Alex Rudnick: A resource-light approach to learning verb
valencies. Machine Translation and Morphologically- rich Languages: Research Workshop of
the Israel Science Foundation,
(2010) Maria Rosenberg: Lexical representation of agentive nominal
compounds in French and Swedish [abstract].
CICLING 2010: 11th International Conference
on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, March 21-27,
Categorial grammar
(2013) Hala Almaghout & Lucia Specia: A CCG-based quality estimation metric for statistical
machine translation. Proceedings of
the XIV Machine Translation
(2012) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2012) Dennis N.Mehay &
Chris Brew: CCG syntactic reordering models for
phrase-based machine translation. WMT
2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the
workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Jonathan Weese, Chris
Callison-Burch, &
(2012) Xianchao Wu, Katsuhito
Sudoh, Kevin Duh, Hajime Tsukada, & Masaaki Nagata: A comparative study of target dependency structures
for statistical machine translation. [ACL
2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Yue Zhang, Graeme Blackwood, & Stephen
Clark: Syntax-based word ordering incorporating a
large-scale language model. [EACL
2012] Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association
for Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2011) Pratyush
Banerjee, Hala Almaghout, Sudip Naskar, Johann Roturier, Jie Jiang, Andy Way,
& Josef van Genabith: The DCU machine
translation systems for IWSLT 2011. IWSLT
2011: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Jin-Woo
Chung & Jong C.Park: Text parsing for sign
language generation with combinatory categorial grammar. International Workshop on Sign Language
Translation and Avatar Technology (SLTAT), 23 October 2011,
(2010) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2010) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2010) Rejwanul Haque, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Antal van den
Bosch, &
(2010) Richard Moot: Semi-automated extraction of a wide-coverage
type-logical grammar for French. TALN
2010. Proceedings of Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23
juillet 2010.
(2010) Richard Moot: Wide-coverage French syntax and semantics using
Grail. TALN 2010. Proceedings of
Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23 juillet 2010.
Closely related languages
(2014) Yves Scherrer & Benoît Sagot: A language-independent and fully unsupervised
approach t lexicon induction and part-of-speech tagging for closely related
languages. LREC 2014: Ninth
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31,
2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.502-508. [PDF, 184KB]
(2013) Nikola Ljubešić & Darja Fišer: Identifying false friends between closely
related languages. Proceedings of the
4th Biennial International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing,
8-9 August 2013,
(2012) Vladislav Kuboň: Machine translation among
related Slavic languages [abstract]. In:
Language Technology in service of an integrated multilingual Europe,
4-5 May 2012,
(2012) Preslav Nakov &
Jörg Tiedemann: Combining word-level and
character-level models for machine translation between closely-related
languages. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of
the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Preslav Nakov & Hwee Tou Ng: Improving statistical machine translation for a
resource-poor language using related resource-rich languages. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
44 (2012); pp.179-222. [PDF, 421KB]
(2012) Hrvoje Peradin & Francis Tyers: A rule-based machine translation system from
Serbo-Croatian to Macedonian. In: Free/Open-Source
Rule-Based Machine Translation, ed.Cristina España-Bonet and Aarne Ranta.
Proceedings of a Workshop held in Gothenburg, 14-15 June, 2012; pp.55-63. [PDF,
(2012) Daniel Zeman: Data issues of the multilingual translation matrix.
WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2011) Darja Fišer & Nikola Ljubešić: Bilingual lexicon extraction from comparable
corpora for closely related languages.
[RANLP 2011] Proceedings of Recent
Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September
2011; pp.125-131. [PDF, 95KB]
(2011) Vishal Goyal & Gurpreet Singh Lehal: Hindi to Punjabi machine translation system. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations,
(2011) Luís Marujo, Nuno Grazina, Tiago Luís, Wang
Ling, Luísa Coheur, & Isabel Trancoso: BP2EP
– adaptation of Brazilian Portuguese texts to European Portuguese. [EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May
2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent
Vandeghinste; pp.129-136. [PDF, 352KB]
(2011) Preslav Nakov: Reusing parallel corpora between
related languages [abstract] AEPC 2011: proceedings of the Second Workshop
on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora, associated with the 8th
International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
(RANLP 2011), 15th September 2011, Hissar, Bulgaria; 1p. [PDF, 184KB]
(2011) Pim Otte & Francis M.Tyers: Rapid rule-based machine translation between Dutch
and Afrikaans. [EAMT 2011]:
proceedings of the 15th conference of the European Association for Machine
Translation, 30-31 May 2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi
Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste; pp.153-160. [PDF, 317KB]
(2011) Tihomir Rangelov: Rule-based
machine translation between Bulgarian and Macedonian. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Free/Open-Source
Rule-Based Machine Translation, Barcelona, Spain, January 20-21, 2011, ed.
F.Sánchez-Martínez and J.A.Pérez-Ortiz; pp.53-59. [PDF, 164KB]
(2010) Mikel L.Forcada, Boyan Ivanov Bonev, Sergio
Ortiz Rojas, Juan Antonio Pérez Ortiz, Gema Ramírez Sánchez, Felipe Sánchez
Martínez, Carme Armentano-Oller, Marco A.Montava, & Francis M.Tyers: Documentation of the open-source shallow-transfer
machine translation platform Apertium; ed. Mireia Ginestí Rosell.
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics, Universitat d’Alacant, March
10, 2010; 214pp. [PDF, 700KB]
(2010) Petr Homola & Vladislav Kuboň: Exploiting charts in the
MT between related languages [abstract].
CICLING 2010: 11th International
Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics,
March 21-27, 2010,
(2010) Jernej Vičič & Petr Homola: Speeding
up the implementation process of a shallow transfer machine translation system.
EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May
Code switching see Dialects and registers
(2013) Lisa Beinborn, Torsten Zesch
& Iryna Gurevych: Cognate production
using character-based machine translation. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2013) Nikola Ljubešić & Darja Fišer: Identifying false friends between closely
related languages. Proceedings of the
4th Biennial International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing,
8-9 August 2013,
(2013) Yves Scherrer & Tomaž Erjavec: Modernizing historical Slovene words with
character-based SMT. Proceedings of
the 4th Biennial International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language
Processing, 8-9 August 2013,
(2012) Andrew Finch, Ohnmar Htun, & Eiichiro
Sumita: The NICT translation system for IWSLT
2012. IWSLT-2012: 9th International
Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) João Silva, Luísa
Coheur, Ângela Costa, & Isabel Trancoso: Dealing
with unknown words in statistical machine translation. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2011) Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick & Dan Klein: Simple effective decipherment via
combinatorial optimization. [EMNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 27-31, 2011; pp.313-321.
[PDF, 299KB]
(2011) Mirabela Navlea & Amalia Todiraşcu: Cognate identification for a French-Romanian
lexical alignment system: empirical study. [EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th conference of the European
Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May 2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds.
Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste; pp.145-152. [PDF,
Coherence and Cohesion see Reference
Collocations see Multiword expressions
Combinatory categorial grammar see Categorial grammar
(2013) Itsuki
(2013) Hui Zhang, Kristina Toutanova, Chris Quirk,
& Jianfeng Gao: Beyond
left-to-right: multiple decomposition structures for SMT. [NAACL-HLT 2013] The 2013 conference of the
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human
Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2012) Estelle Delpech, Béatrice Daille, Emmanuel
Morin, & Claire Lemaire: Extraction of
domain-specific bilingual lexicon from comparable corpora: compositional
translation and ranking. Proceedings
of COLING 2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.745-761. [PDF,
(2012) Estelle Delpech, Béatrice Daille, Emmanuel
Morin, & Claire Lemaire: Identification of
fertile translations in medical comparable corpora: a morpho-compositional
approach. AMTA-2012: the Tenth
Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
Compound nouns see Nouns and noun phrases
Comprehension see
Concatenation grammar see Transduction grammars
Conjunctions and connectives
Najeh Hajlaoui: Are ACT’s scores increasing with better
translation quality? WMT 2013:
8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop,
August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Camillo Lugaresi & Barbara Di Eugenio: Translating Italian connectives into Italian sign
language. ACL-2013: Proceedings of
the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Thomas Meyer & Bonnie Webber: Implicitation of discourse connectives in
(machine) translation. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Thomas Meyer & Lucie Poláková: Machine translation with many manually labeled
discourse connectives. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2012) Najeh Hajlaoui & Andrei Popescu-Belis: Translating English discourse connectives into
Arabic: a corpus-based analysis and an evaluation metric. AMTA-2012: Fourth workshop on computational
approaches to Arabic script-based languages. Proceedings,
(2012) Iørn Korzen & Morten Gylling: Text structure in a contrastive and translational
perspective: on information density and clause linkage in Italian and Danish.
Translation: Computation, Corpora, Cognition 2
(1), July 2012; pp.23-46. [PDF, 601KB]
(2012) Thomas Meyer, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Najeh
Hajlaoui, & Andrea Gesmundo: Machine
translation of labeled discourse connectives. AMTA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the
(2012) Thomas Meyer & Andrei Popescu-Belis: Using sense-labeled discourse connectives for
statistical machine translation. EACL
Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and
Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation
(HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop, 23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France;
pp.129-138. [PDF, 275KB]
(2011) Bruno Cartoni, Sandrine Zufferey, Thomas Meyer, & Andrei
Popescu-Belis: How comparable are parallel
corpora? Measuring the distribution of general vocabulary and connectives. ACL 2011: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop
on Building and Using Comparable Corpora,
(2011) Thomas Meyer: Disambiguating
temporal-contrastive discourse connectives for machine translation. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Session,
(2011) Andrei Popescu-Belis,
Bruno Cartoni, Andrea Gesmundo,
James Henderson, Cristina Grisot,
Paola Merlo, Thomas Meyer,
Jacques Moeschler &
Sandrine Zufferey: Improving MT coherence through text-level
processing of input texts: the COMTIS project. Tralogy,
Constraint synchronous grammar see Context-free grammar
Context-free grammars
(2013) Miriam Kaeshammer: Synchronous linear context-free rewriting
systems for machine translation. [SSST-7]:
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in
Statistical Translation.
(2012) Victor Chahuneau, Noah
A.Smith, & Chris Dyer: pycdec: a Python
interface to cdec. Prague Bulletin of
Mathematical Linguistics 98, October 2012; pp.51-61. [PDF, 280KB]
(2012) Yang Feng, Dongdong
Zhang, Mu Li, Ming Zhou, & Qun Liu: Hierarchical
chunk-to-string translation. [ACL
2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Juri Ganitkevitch, Yuan
Cao, Jonathan Weese, Matt Post, & Chris Callison-Burch: Joshua 4.0: packing, PRO, and paraphrases.
WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Baskaran Sankaran,
Majid Razmara, & Anoop Sarkar: Kriya – an
end-to-end hierarchical phrase-based MT system. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 97, April 2012;
pp.83-98. [PDF,
(2012) Patrick Simianer,
Stefan Riezler, & Chris Dyer: Joint feature
selection in distributed stochastic learning for large-scale discriminative
training in SMT. [ACL 2012]
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Philip Williams &
Philipp Koehn: GHKM rule extraction and scope-3
parsing in Moses. WMT 2012: 7th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop,
June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Xinyan Xiao, Deyi Xiong, Yang Liu, Qun Liu,
& Shouxun Lin: Unsupervised discriminative
induction of synchronous grammar for machine translation. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.2883-2898. [PDF, 252KB]
(2011) Tagyoung Chung, Licheng Fang, & Daniel
Gildea: SCFG latent annotation for machine
translation. IWSLT 2011: Proceedings
of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Qin Gao & Stephan Vogel: Utilizing
target-side semantic role labels to assist hierarchical phrase-based machine
translation. Proceedings of SSST-5,
Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation,
ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2011; pp.107-115. [PDF, 352KB]
(2011) Greg Hanneman & Alon
Lavie: CMU syntax-based machine translation at
WMT 2011. [WMT 2011] Proceedings of
the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Greg Hanneman, Michelle
Burroughs, & Alon Lavie: A
general-purpose rule extractor for SCFG-based machine translation. Proceedings of SSST-5, Fifth Workshop on Syntax,
Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, ACL HLT 2011, Portland,
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(2010) Sylwia Ozdowska & Vincent Claveau: Inferring syntactic rules for word alignment
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(2014) Anik Dey & Pascale Fung: A Hindi-English code-switching corpus. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
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(2014) Saab Mansour, Yaser Al-Onaizan, Graeme
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(2013) Heike Adel, Ngoc Thang Vu, & Tanja Schultz:
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(2013) Pierrette Bouillon, Johanna Gerlach, Ulrich
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(2013) Rahma Boujelbane, Mariem Ellouze Khemekhem,
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(2013) Heba Elfardy & Mona Diab: Sentence level dialect identification in Arabic.
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(2013) Ahmed Hamdi, Rahma Boujelbane, Nizar Habash,
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(2013) Chi-kiu Lo & Dekai Wu: Can informal genres be better translated by tuning on
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(2013) Hassan Sajjad, Kareem Darwish, & Yonatan
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(2013) Elke Teich, Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Hannah
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(2012) Chris Irwin Davis: Tajik-Farsi
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(2012) Nizar Habash, Ramy Eskander, & Abdelati
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(2012) Manny Rayner, Pierrette Bouillon, & Barry
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(2011) Wael Salloum & Nizar
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(2013) Sankaranarayanan Ananthakrishnan, Sanjika
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(2010) Guillem Gascó, Vicent Alabau, Jesús Andrés-Ferrer, Jesús
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Discontinuous relations
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Discourse analysis and representation
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(2013) Christian Hardmeier, Sara Stymne, Jörg
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(2013) Behzad Mirzababaei, Heshaam
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(2013) Bonnie Webber, Katja Markert, Andrei
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(2012) Christian Hardmeier,
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(2012) Iørn Korzen & Morten Gylling: Text structure in a contrastive and translational
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(2012) Thomas Meyer, Andrei Popescu-Belis, Najeh
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(2012) Thomas Meyer & Andrei Popescu-Belis: Using sense-labeled discourse connectives for
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(2012) Katharina Wäschle & Stefan Riezler: Structural and topical dimensions in multi-task
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Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island,
Korea; pp.1060-1068. [PDF, 125KB]
(2011) Bruno Cartoni, Sandrine Zufferey, Thomas Meyer, & Andrei
Popescu-Belis: How comparable are parallel
corpora? Measuring the distribution of general vocabulary and connectives. ACL 2011: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop
on Building and Using Comparable Corpora,
(2011) Thomas Meyer: Disambiguating
temporal-contrastive discourse connectives for machine translation. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Session,
(2011) Andrei Popescu-Belis,
Bruno Cartoni, Andrea Gesmundo,
James Henderson, Cristina Grisot,
Paola Merlo, Thomas Meyer,
Jacques Moeschler & Sandrine Zufferey: Improving
MT coherence through text-level processing of input texts: the COMTIS project. Tralogy,
(2011) Mara Tsoumari & Georgios Petasis: A new annotation tool for aligned bilingual
corpora. AEPC 2011: proceedings of
the Second Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora,
associated with the 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural
Language Processing (RANLP 2011), 15th September 2011,
George Foster, Pierre Isabelle, & Roland Kuhn: Translating structured documents. AMTA 2010: the Ninth conference of the
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4, 2010; 8pp. [PDF, 132KB]
(2010) Jesús Giménez, Lluís Màrquez, Elisabet Comelles, Irene Castellón, & Victoria
Arranz: Document-level automatic MT evaluation
based on discourse representations. ACL
2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR.
Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Yang Mei &
Katrin Kirchhoff: Contextual modeling for
meeting translation using unsupervised word sense disambiguation. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference
on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August
(2010) Richard Moot: Wide-coverage French syntax and semantics using
Grail. TALN 2010. Proceedings of Traitement
Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23 juillet 2010.
Emphasis and stress
(2015) Quoc Truong Do, Sakriani Sakti, Graham Neubig,
Tomoki Toda, & Satoshi Nakamura: Improving translation of
emphasis with pause prediction in speech-to-speech translation systems. [IWSLT 2015] Proceedings of the
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, December 3-4, 2015,
Da Nang, Vietnam; pp.204-208. [PDF, 1.7MB]
Empty and null categories see Pronouns
Entailment (see also Logical aspects)
(2014) Rohit Gupta, Hanna Bechara, & Constantin
Orasan: Intelligent translation memory matching
and retrieval metric exploiting linguistic technology. Translating and the Computer 36: proceedings. Asling: International
Society for Advancement in Language Technology, 27-28 November 2014; pp.86-89.
[PDF, 176KB]
(2013) Ido Dagan, Bernardo Magnini, Guenter Neumann,
& Sebastian Pado: EXploring Customer
Interactions through Textual EntailMENT. Proceedings of the XIV Machine Translation
(2013) Sergio Jimenez, Claudia Becerra, &
Alexander Gelbukh: SOFTCARDINALITY: learning
to identify directional cross-lingual entailment from cardinalities and SMT.
[SEMEVAL-2013] Second Joint Conference on
Lexical and Computational Semantics, Volume
2: Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013),
(2013) José Souza, Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Marco
Turchi, & Matteo Negri: Exploiting qualitative
information from automatic word alignment for cross-lingual NLP tasks. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.771-776.
[PDF, 277KB]
(2013) Marco Turchi & Matteo Negri: ALTN: word alignment features for cross-lingual
textual entailment. [SEM-2013] Second
Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Volume 2: Seventh International Workshop on
Semantic Evaluation,
(2013) Darnes Vilariño, David Pinto, Saúl León,
Yuridiana Alemán, & Helena Gómez-Adorno: BUAP:
N-gram based feature evaluation for the cross-lingual textual entailment task.
[SEM-2013] Second Joint Conference on Lexical
and Computational Semantics, Volume
2: Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation,
(2013) Jiang Zhao, Man Lan, & Zheng-Yu Niu: ECNUCS: recognizing cross-lingual textual
entailment using multiple text similarity and text difference measures. [SEM-2013] Second Joint Conference on
Lexical and Computational Semantics, Volume
2: Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation,
(2012) Julio Castillo &
Paula Estrella: Semantic textual similarity for
MT evaluation. WMT
2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop,
June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Yashar Mehdad, Matteo
Negri, & Marcello Federico: Match without a
referee: evaluating MT adequacy without reference translations. WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2011) Ido Dagan &
Shachar Mirkin: Textual entailment inference in
machine translation [abstract]. Machine
Translation and Morphologically-rich Languages: Research Workshop of the
Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Yashar Mehdad, Matteo
Negri, & Marcello Federico: Using bilingual
parallel corpora for cross-lingual textual entailment. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli, Yashar Mehdad, Danilo
Giampiccolo, & Alessandro Marchetti: Divide
and conquer: crowdsourcing the creation of cross-lingual textual entailment
corpora. [EMNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
July 27-31, 2011; pp.670-679. [PDF, 493KB]
(2010) Yashar Mehdad,
Matteo Negri, & Marcello Federico: Towards
cross-lingual textual entailment. NAACL HLT 2010: Human Language Technologies:
the 2010 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics. Proceedings… June 2-4, 2010,
(2010) Matteo Negri
& Yashar Mehdad: Creating bi-lingual
entailment corpus through translations with Mechanical Turk: $100 for a 10-day
rush. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT
2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical
(2013) Vivi Nastase & Carlo Strapparava: Bridging languages through etymology: the case of
cross language text categorization. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics,
Annotation and features, Morphological
friends see Cognates
Features see Annotations
and features, Linguistic features
Function words (see also Conjunctions, Particles, Postpositions,
(2015) John Richardson, Toshiaki Nakazawa, & Sadao
Kurohashi: Enhancing
function word translation with syntax-based statistical post-editing. MT Summit XV, October 30 – November 3, 2015,
Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT Summit XV: Sixth Workshop on Patent
and Scientific Literature Translation (PSLT6); pp.44-51. [PDF, 542KB]
(2012) Toshiaki Nakazawa & Sadao Kurohashi: Alignment by bilingual generation and
monolingual derivation. Proceedings
of COLING 2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.1963-1978.
[PDF, 1172KB]
(2012) Chong Tze Yuang, Rafael E.Banchs, & Chng
Eng Siong: An empirical evaluation of stop word removal
in statistical machine translation. EACL
Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and
Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation
(HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop, 23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France;
pp.30-37. [PDF, 216KB]
(2011) Yusuke Abe, Takafumi
Suzuki, Bing Liang, Takehito Utsuro, Mikio Yamamoto, Suguru Matsuyoshi, &
Yasuhide Kawada: Example-based translation of
Japanese functional expressions utilizing semantic equivalence classes. [MT Summit XIII] 4th Workshop on Patent Translation, Shoichi Yokoyama (ed,),
(2011) Lei Cui, Dongdong
Zhang, Mu Li, & Ming Zhou: Function word
generation in statistical machine translation systems. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit
[organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT),
19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Chenchen Ding, Takashi Inui, & Mikio
Yamamoto: Long-distance hierarchical structure
transformation rules utilizing function words. IWSLT 2011: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation,
(2011) Kota Takeya &
Yves Lepage: Marker-based chunking for
analogy-based translation of chunks.
MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation
Summit [organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation
(AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Xianchao Wu, Takuya Matsuzaki, Jun’ichi Tsujii: Effective use of function words for rule generalization
in forest-based translation. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
Grammar formalisms see also: Case grammar, Categorial grammar,
Context-free grammars, Definite Clause Grammar, Fulcrum approach, Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar, Head-driven
Phrase Struture Grammar, Left Associative
Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Meaning-text model, Montague grammar,
Principles and parameters, Role and reference grammar, Transduction grammars,
Transformational-generative grammar, Tree Adjoining Grammar, Transduction
grammar, Unification grammar
(2013) Matthias Büchse, Alexander Koller, & Heiko
Vogler: Generic binarization for parsing and
translation. ACL-2013: Proceedings of
the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Sameh Alansary: A formalized reference grammar for UNL-based
machine translation between English and Arabic. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters, Mumbai, December 2012;
pp.33-42. [PDF, 352KB]
(2012) John J.Camilleri & Krasimir Angelov: GF Eclipse plugin: an IDE for grammar
development in GF. [Project paper at] EAMT
2012: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for
Machine Translation, Trento, Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed. Mauro Cettolo,
Marcello Federico, Lucia
Specia, Andy Way;
p.94. [PDF, 139KB]
(2010) Aarne Ranta,
Krasimir Angelov, & Thomas Hallgren: Tools for
multilingual grammar-based translation on the web. Proceedings of the ACL 2010 System Demonstrations,
(2010) Aarne Ranta: Multilingual packages
of controlled languages: an introduction to GF. CNL2010: 2nd Workshop on Controlled Natural Language,
Grammars and grammar acquisition
(2013) Greg Hanneman & Alon Lavie: Improving syntax-augmented machine
translation by coarsening the label set. [NAACL-HLT 2013] The 2013 conference of the North American Chapter of
the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies,
9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger & Khalil
Sima’an: Hierarchical alignment
decomposition labels for Hiero grammar rules. [SSST-7]: Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and
Structure in Statistical Translation.
(2013) Markus Saers & Dekai Wu: Unsupervised learning of bilingual categories in inversion
transduction grammar induction. [IWSLT
2013] Proceedings of the 10th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2013) Libin Shen & Bowen Zhou: What is hidden among translation rules. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.839-844. [PDF,118KB]
(2013) Xinyan Xiao & Deyi Xiong: Max-margin synchronous grammar induction for machine
translation. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings
of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing,
Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.255-264. [PDF, 885KB]
(2012) Phil Blunsom: Synchronous grammars and translation.
Machine Translation Marathon 2012
September 3-8,
(2012) Masood Ghayoomi: From grammar rule extraction to treebanking: a
bootstrapping approach. LREC 2012:
Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27
May 2012,
(2012) Bevan Jones, Jacob Andreas, Daniel Bauer, Karl
Moritz Hermann, & Kevin Knight: Semantics-based
machine translation with hyperedge replacement grammars. Proceedings of
COLING 2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.1359-1376. [PDF,
(2012) Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki, & Dekai Wu: From finite-state to inversion transductions:
toward unsupervised bilingual grammar induction. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December
2012; pp.2325-2339. [PDF, 222KB]
(2012) Baskaran Sankaran, Gholamreza Haffari, &
Anoop Sarkar: Compact rule extraction for
hierarchical phrase-based translation. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2012) Baskaran Sankaran,
Majid Razmara, & Anoop Sarkar: Kriya – an
end-to-end hierarchical phrase-based MT system. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics 97, April 2012;
pp.83-98. [PDF,
(2012) Philip Williams &
Philipp Koehn: GHKM rule extraction and scope-3
parsing in Moses. WMT 2012: 7th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop,
June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Xinyan Xiao, Deyi Xiong, Yang Liu, Qun Liu,
& Shouxun Lin: Unsupervised discriminative
induction of synchronous grammar for machine translation. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.2883-2898. [PDF, 252KB]
(2012) Jingbo Zhu, Tong Xiao,
& Chunliang Zhang: Learning better rule
extraction with translation span alignment. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2011) Mark Hopkins, Greg Langmead & Tai Vo: Extraction programs: a unified approach to
translation rule extraction. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Alexander Koller & Marco Kuhlmann: A
generalized view on parsing and translation [abstract]. IWPT 2011: 12th International Confernce on
Parsing Technologies, October 5-7, 2011,
(2011) Baskaran Sankaran, Gholamreza Haffari, & Anoop Sarkar: Bayesian extraction of minimal SCFG rules for
hierarchical phrase-based translation. [WMT 2011] Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Jonathan Weese, Juri
Ganitkevitch, Chris Callison-Burch, Matt Post, & Adam Lopez: Joshua 3.0: syntax-based machine translation with the
Thrax grammar extractor. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2010) David Burkett,
Slav Petrov, John Blitzer, & Dan Klein: Learning
better monolingual models with unannotated bilingual text. CoNLL-2010: Fourteenth Conference on
Computational Natural Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference,
15-16 July 2010, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; pp.46-54. [PDF, 431KB]
(2010) John DeNero &
Dan Klein: Discriminative modeling of extraction
sets for machine translation. ACL 2010:
the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Adrià de Gispert, Juan
Pino, & William Byrne: Hierarchical
phrase-based translation grammars extracted from alignment posterior
probabilities. [EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA,
9-11 October 2010; pp.545-554. [PDF, 162KB]
(2010) Tomoharu Iwata, Daichi Mochihashi, & Hiroshi Sawada: Learning common grammar from multilingual corpus.
ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Richard Moot: Semi-automated extraction of a wide-coverage
type-logical grammar for French. TALN
2010. Proceedings of Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23
juillet 2010.
(2010) Richard Moot: Wide-coverage French syntax and semantics using
Grail. TALN 2010. Proceedings of Traitement
Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23 juillet 2010.
(2010) Xianchao Wu,
Takuya Matsuzaki, & Jun’ichi Tsujii: Fine-grained
tree-to-string translation rule extraction. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2010) Tong Xiao, Jingbo
Zhu, Hao Zhang, & Muhua Zhu: An empirical
study of translation rule extraction with multiple parsers. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference
on Computational Linguistics, 23-27 August 2010, Beijing International
Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters
volume; pp.1345-1353. [PDF, 388KB]
(2010) Omar F.Zaidan
& Juri Ganitkevitch: An enriched MT
grammar for under $100. Proceedings
of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk,
(2010) Sina Zarrieß, Aoife Cahill, Jonas Kuhn, & Christian Rohrer: Cross-lingual induction of deep broad-coverage
syntax: a case study on German participles. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
23-27 August 2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1426-1434. [PDF,
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar
(2012) Han Dan, Katsuhito
Sudoh, Xianchao Wu, Kevin Duh, Hajime Tsukada, & Masaaki Nagata: Head finalization reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese
machine translation. SSST-6, Sixth
Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation,
(2012) Junhui Li, Zhaopeng Tu,
Guodong Zhou, & Joseph van Genabith: Head-driven
hierarchical phrase-based translation. [ACL
2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Dominikus Wetzel &
Francis Bond: Enriching parallel corpora for
statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing. SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics
and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju,
(2012) Xianchao Wu, Katsuhito
Sudoh, Kevin Duh, Hajime Tsukada, & Masaaki Nagata: A comparative study of target dependency structures
for statistical machine translation. [ACL
2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2011) Eva Safar: Machine
translation with corpus linguistics and HPSG. International Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar
Technology (SLTAT), 10-11 January 2011, Federal Ministry of Labour and
Social Affairs,
(2010) Xianchao Wu,
Takuya Matsuzaki, & Jun’ichi Tsujii: Fine-grained
tree-to-string translation rule extraction. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Historical linguistics
(2013) Yves Scherrer & Tomaž Erjavec: Modernizing historical Slovene words with
character-based SMT. Proceedings of
the 4th Biennial International Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language
Processing, 8-9 August 2013,
(2012) Sanja Štajner &
Ruslan Mitkov: Using comparable corpora to
track diachronic and synchronic changes in lexical density and lexical richness. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop, 26 May 2012,
Homonyms, homographs and homophones (see also Word sense disambiguation)
(2013) Pierrette Bouillon, Johanna Gerlach, Ulrich
Germann, Barry Haddow & Manny Rayner: Two
approaches to correcting homophone confusion in a hybrid machine translation
system. Proceedings of the Second
Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2011) Manaal Faruqui, Prasenjit Majumder, &
Sebastian Padó: Soundex-based translation
correction in Urdu-English cross-language information retrieval. [IJCNLP
2011] Proceedings of the 5th
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2014) Wan Yu Ho, Christine Kng, Shan Wang &
Francis Bond: Identifying idioms in Chinese
translations. LREC 2014: Ninth
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31,
2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.716-721. [PDF, 204KB]
(2011) Stéphane Huet & Philippe Langlais: Identifying the
translations of idiomatic expressions using TransSearch. Proceedings of the 8th international NLPSC
workshop. Special theme: Human-machine interaction in translation,
Copenhagen Business School, 20-21 August 2011; ed.Bernadette Sharp, Michael
Zock, Michael Carl, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (Copenhagen Studies in Language 41),
Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 2011; pp.45-56. [PDF, 1123KB]
Nasredine Semmar, Christophe Servan, Gaël de Chalendar, Benoît Le Ny,
& Jean-Jacques Bouzaglou: A hybrid word
alignment approach to improve translation lexicons with compound words and
idiomatic expressions. Translating
and the Computer 32, 18-19 November 2010,
Implicit elements
(2015) Dong Zhan & Hiromi Nakaiwa: Automatic detection of
antecedents of Japanese zero pronouns using a Japanese-English bilingual corpus.
MT Summit XV, October 30 – November 3,
2015, Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT Summit XV: vol.1: MT
Researchers’ Track; pp.66-79. [PDF, 863KB]
(2015) Ke Tran, Arianna Bisazza, & Christof Monz: A distributed inflection
model for translating into morphologically rich languages. MT Summit XV, October 30 – November 3, 2015,
Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT Summit XV: vol.1: MT Researchers’
Track; pp.145-159. [PDF, 720KB]
(2013) Victor Chahuneau, Eva Schlinger,
Noah A.Smith, & Chris Dyer: Translating
into morphologically rich languages with synthetic phrases. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.1044-1054. [PDF, 312KB]
(2012) Alexander Fraser, Marion Weller, Aoife Cahill,
& Fabienne Cap: Modeling inflection and word
formation in SMT. [EACL 2012] Proceedings
of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Stephen Doherty & Sharon O’Brien: A user-based usability assessment of raw machine
translated technical instructions. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2015) Bianca Prandi: Use of CAI tools in
interpreters’ training: a pilot study. Proceedings
of the 37th Conference Translating and the Computer, London, November
26-27, 2015; pp.48-57. [PDF, 682KB]
(2013) Susanne Altenberg: The human interpreter in action –
multilingualism at the European Parliament. [Keynote at IWSLT 2013] Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2013) Akiko Sakamoto, Nayuko Watanabe, Satoshi
Kamatani, & Kazuo Sumita: Development of a
simultaneous interpretation system for face-to-face services and its evaluation
in real situation. Proceedings of the
XIV Machine Translation Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed. K.Sima’an,
M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick, H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.85-92. [PDF, 1073KB]
(2013) Akiko Sakamoto, Kazuhiko Abe, Kazuo Sumita
& Satoshi Kamatani: Evaluation of a
simultaneous interpretation system and analysis of speech log for user
experience assessment. [IWSLT 2013]
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop
on Spoken Language Translation,
(2013) Hiroaki
(2013) Mahsa Yarmohammadi, Vivek
K.Rangarajan Sridhar, Srinivas Bangalore, & Baskaran Sankaran: Incremental segmentation and decoding
strategies for simultaneous translation. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
Interrogatives and questions
(2012) Ângela Costa, Tiago Luís, Joana Ribeiro, Ana
Cristina Mendes, & Luísa Coheur: An
English-Portuguese parallel corpus of questions: translation guidelines and application
in statistical machine translation. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
Inversion transduction grammar see Transduction grammars
Language death and preservation
(2012) Steven Bird & David Chiang: Machine translation for language preservation. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.125-134. [PDF, 924KB]
(2012) András Kornai: Language death in the digital age. META-FORUM,
Language identification
(2014) Shyam S.Agrawal, Abhimane, Shweta Bansal, &
Minakshi Mahakshi: Statistical analysis of
multilingual text corpus and development of language models. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.2436-2440. [PDF, 815KB]
(2012) Marco Lui & Timothy
Baldwin: an off-the-shelf language
identification tool. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Gerald Lynch & Carl Vogel: Towards the automatic detection of the source
language of a literary translation. Proceedings
of COLING 2012: Posters, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.775-784. [PDF, 158KB]
(2011) Luciano Barbosa, Srinivas Bangalore, &
Vivek Kumar Sridhar Rangarajan: Crawling back
and forth: using back and out links to locate bilingual sites. [IJCNLP
2011] Proceedings of the 5th
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2010) Daniel Chung Yong Lim,
(2010) Fei Xia, Carrie Lewis, & William
D.Lewis: The problems of language identification
within hugely multilingual data sets.
LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
Language universals
Tod Allman, Stephen Beale, & Richard Denton: Linguist’sAssistant:
a multi-lingual natural language generator based on linguistic universals,
typologies, and primitives. INLG
2012: Proceedings of the 7th International Natural Language Generation
(2011) Reut Tsarfaty: Morphology, syntax, and what’s in between:
reifying cross-linguistic variation through cross-linguistic parsing. Machine Translation and Morphologically-
rich Languages: Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation,
(2010) Tomoharu Iwata, Daichi Mochihashi, & Hiroshi Sawada: Learning common grammar from multilingual corpus.
ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
Latent semantic analysis
(2013) Tsutomu Hirao, Tomoharu Iwata, & Masaaki
Nagata: Latent semantic matching: application to
cross-language text categorization without alignment information. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.212-216.
[PDF, 846KB]
(2013) Ekaterina Stambolieva: Learning comparable corpora from latent
semantic analysis simplified document space. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable
(2012) Masato Hagiwara &
Satoshi Sekine: Latent semantic
transliteration using Dirichlet mixture. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of NEWS 2012 Named Entities Workshop, July
12, 2012, Jeju,
(2011) Rafael E.Banchs & Haizhou Li: AM-FM:
a semantic framework for translation quality assessment. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Rafael E.Banchs & Marta R.Costa-jussà: A semantic feature for statistical machine
translation. Proceedings of SSST-5,
Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation,
ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2011; pp.126-134. [PDF, 576KB]
(2011) Nick Ruiz & Marcello Federico: Topic
adaptation for lecture translation through bilingual latent semantic models.
[WMT 2011] Proceedings of the 6th
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Ivan Vulić, Wim De Smet, & Marie-Francine Moens: Identifying word translations from comparable corpora
using latent topic models. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2010) John C.Platt, Kristina Toutanova, & Wen-tau
Yih: Translingual document representations from
discriminative projections. [EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA, 9-11 October 2010;
pp.251-261. [PDF, 319KB]
(2010) Billy Tak-Ming Wong: Semantic evaluation of machine translation. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
Lexical Functional Grammar
(2012) Petr
Homola: A machine translation toolchain for
polysynthetic languages. EAMT 2012:
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for
Machine Translation, Trento, Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed. Mauro Cettolo,
Marcello Federico, Lucia
Specia, Andy Way;
pp.65-68. [PDF, 211KB]
(2011) François Lareau, Mark Dras, Benjamin
Börschinger, & Robert Dale: Collocations in
multilingual natural language generation: lexical functions meet lexical
functional grammar. [
(2010) Anton Bryl & Josef van Genabith: f-align: an open-source alignment tool for LFG
f-structures. AMTA 2010: the Ninth
conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Denver,
Colorado, October 31 – November 4, 2010; 8pp. [PDF, 229KB]
(2010) Yvette Graham
& Josef van Genabith: Deep syntax language
models and statistical machine translation. SSST-4: Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Syntax and Structure in
Statistical Translation, ed. Dekai Wu. COLING 2010/SIGMT Workshop, 23rd
International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Beijing, China, 28 August 2010; pp.118-126. [PDF, 163KB]
(2010) Yifan He, Jinhua
Du, Andy Way, & Josef van Genabith: The DCU
dependency-based metric in WMT-MetricsMATR 2010. ACL 2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and
MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Sina Zarrieß, Aoife Cahill, Jonas Kuhn, & Christian Rohrer: Cross-lingual induction of deep broad-coverage
syntax: a case study on German participles. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
23-27 August 2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1426-1434. [PDF,
Linear transduction grammar see Transduction grammars
Linguistic features
(2014) Abdullah Alrajeh & Mahesan Niranjan: Bayesian reordering model with feature selection.
[WMT 2014] Proceedings of the Ninth
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2014) Marta R.Costa-jussà, Parth Gupta, Rafael
E.Banchs & Paolo Rosso: English-to-Hindi
system descrption for WMT 2014: deep source-context features for Moses. [WMT
2014] Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop
on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2014) Piyush Dungarwal, Rajen Chatterjee, Abhijit
Mishra, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Ritesh Shah, & Pushpak Bhattacharyya: The IIT Bombay HindiÛEnglish translation system
at WMT 2014. [WMT 2014] Proceedings
of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2014) Spence Green, Daniel Cer, & Christopher
D.Manning: An empirical comparison of features
and tuning for phrase-based machine translation. [WMT 2014] Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) Eunah Cho, Than-Le Ha, & Alex Waibel: CRF-based disfluency detection using semantic
features for German to English spoken language translation. [IWSLT 2013] Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation,
(2013) William D.Lewis & Chris Quirk: Controlled ascent: imbuing statistical MT with
linguistic knowledge. Proceedings of
the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2013) Antonio Toral: Hybrid
selection of language model training data using linguistic information and
perplexity. Proceedings of the Second
Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2013) Antonio Toral, Sudip Kumar Naskar, Joris
Vreeke, Federico Gaspari, &
(2013) Ines Turki Khemakhem, Salma Jamoussi, &
Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou: Integrating
morpho-syntactic features in English-Arabic statistical machine translation.
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on
Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2012) Elisabet Comelles,
(2011) Sudip Kumar Naskar,
Antonio Toral, Federico Gaspari, &
(2010) Philipp Koehn,
Barry Haddow, Philip Williams, & Hieu Hoang: More
linguistic annotation for statistical machine translation. ACL
2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR.
Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
Linguistics and MT
(2014) E.Comelles, J.Atserias, V.Arranz, I.Castellón,
& J.Sesé: VERTa: facing the multilingual
experience of a linguistically-based MT evaluation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.2701-2707. [PDF, 163KB]
(2014) Elisabet Comelles & Jordi Atserias: VERTa participation in the WMT14 metrics task.
[WMT 2014] Proceedings of the Ninth
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) William D.Lewis & Chris Quirk: Controlled ascent: imbuing statistical MT with
linguistic knowledge. Proceedings of
the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2012) Adam Przepiórkowski: Linguistics for language technologies,
language technologies for linguistics. HLT
Days 27-28 September 2012,
(2012) Chris Wendt: Machine translation at Microsoft.
[Aslib 2012] Translating and the Computer
34, 29-30 November 2012, One Birdcage Walk,
Loan words
(2012) James Breen, Timothy Baldwin, & Francis
Bond: Segmentation and translation of Japanese
multi-word loanwords. ALTA 2012:
Proceedings of Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop, 4-6
December 2012, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand; pp. 61-69. [PDF, 249KB]
Logical aspects (see also Entailment)
(2010) Wilker Aziz, Marc
Dymetman, Shachar Mirkin, Lucia Specia, Nicola Cancedda, & Ido Dagan: Learning an expert from human annotations in
statistical machine translation: the case of out-of-vocabulary words. EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May
(2010) Sylwia Ozdowska & Vincent Claveau: Inferring syntactic rules for word alignment
through inductive logic programming. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
Meaning-text model
(2011) François Lareau,
Measure words see Numbers and numerals
Minimum Recursion Semantics
(2012) Dominikus Wetzel &
Francis Bond: Enriching parallel corpora for
statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing. SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics
and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju,
Minority languages
(2013) Igor Leturia, Kepa Sarasola, Xabier Arregi,
Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, Eva Navas, Iñaki Sainz, Arantza del Pozo, David
Baranda, & Urtza Iturraspe: The BerbaTek
project for Basque: promoting a less-resourced language via language technology
for translation, content management and learning. Translation: Computation, Corpora,
Cognition 3 (1), June 2013; pp.119-135. [PDF, 785KB]
(2012) András Kornai: Language death in the digital age. META-FORUM,
(2012) Jon Riding: Hunting
the snark: the problem posed for MT by non-catenative morphologies. [Aslib
2012] Translating and the Computer 34,
29-30 November 2012, One Birdcage Walk, London, UK; 10pp. [PDF, 286KB], presentation: 26 slides [PDF, 1277KB]
(2011) Vamshi Ambati,
Stephan Vogel, & Jaime Carbonell: Multi-strategy
approaches to active learning for statistical machine translation. MT
Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized by the]
Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Te Taka Keegan & Hori Manuirirangi: Minority languages & translation technologies
case study: te reo Māori & Google Translator Toolkit. Translating
and the Computer 33, 17-18
November 2011,
(2010) proceedings of 7th SaLTMiL Workshop on Creation and use of
basic lexical resources for less-resourced languages, LREC-2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language Resources
and Evaluation,
Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie J.Dorr, Chris Callison-Burch,
Nathaniel W.Filardo, Christine Piatko, Lori Levin, & Scott Miller: Use of modality and negation in semantically-informed
syntactic MT. Computational
Linguistics 38 (2), pp. 411-438. [PDF, 3140KB]
(2010) Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie
J.Dorr, Nathaniel W.Filardo, Lori Levin, & Christine Piatko: A modality lexicon and its use in automatic tagging.
LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
meaning see Disambiguation
expressions [see also Nouns and Noun phrases, Prepositional
phrases, Verbs and verb phrases]
(2015) Martin Benjamin, Amar Mukunda & Jeff Allen:
pre-D-source-side disambiguation and a sense aligned multilingual lexicon. Proceedings of the 37th Conference
Translating and the Computer, London, November 26-27, 2015; pp.27-32. [PDF,
(2014) Sandra Antunes & Amália Mendes: An evaluation of the role of statistical measures
and frequency for MWE identification. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.4046-4051. [PDF, 138KB]
(2014) A.Barreiro, J.Monti, B.Orliac, S. Preuß,
K.Arrieta, W.Ling, F.Batista & I.Trancoso: Linguistic
evaluation of support verb constructions by OpenLogos and Google Translate.
LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall
and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.35-40. [PDF, 131KB]
(2014) Guillaume Jacquet, Maud Ehrmann, & Ralf
Steinberger: Clustering of multi-word named
entity variants: multilingual evaluation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center,
Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.2696-2700. [PDF, 217KB]
(2014) Adam Kilgarriff, Miloš Jakubíček,
Vojtěch Kovář, Pavel Rychlý, Vít Baisa, & Lucia Kocincová: Extrinsic corpus evaluation with a collocation
dictionary task. LREC 2014: Ninth International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa
Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari
et al.; pp.545-552. [PDF, 143KB]
(2014) Valia Kordoni & Iliana Simova: Multiword expressions in machine translation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1208-1211.
[PDF, 110KB]
(2014) Lis Pereira, Elga Strafella, & Yuji
Matsumoto: Collocation or free combination?
Applying machine translation techniques to identify collocations in Japanese.
LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall
and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.736-739. [PDF, 325KB]
(2014) Liling Tan & Santanu Pal: Manawi: using multi-word expressions and
named entities to improve machine translation. [WMT 2014] Proceedings
of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) Proceedings of the Workshop on Multi-word Units in Machine Translation
and Translation Technologies,
eds. Johanna Monti, Ruslan Mitkov, Gloria Corpas Pastor, Violeta Seretan, MT
Summit XIV workshop, Nice, France, 3 September, 2013.
(2013) Lars Bungum, Björn Gambäck, André Lynum, &
Erwin Marsi: Improving word translation
disambiguation by capturing multiword expressions with dictionaries. [NAACL HLT 2013] Proceedings of the 9th
Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2013),
(2013) Mahmoud Ghoneim & Mona Diab:
Multiword expressions in the context of
statistical machine translation. International
Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2013) Adam Kilgarriff: Terminology finding, parallel corpora and
bilingual word sketches in the Sketch Engine. [Aslib 2013] Translating and
the Computer 35, 28-29 November 2013, etc.venues, Paddington,
(2013) Santanu Pal, Sudio Kumar Naskar, & Sivaji
Bandyopadhyay: MWE alignment in phrase based
statistical machine translation. Proceedings
of the XIV Machine Translation Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed. K.Sima’an,
M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick, H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.61-68. [PDF, 539KB]
(2013) Karl Pichotta & John DeNero:
Identifying phrasal verbs using many
bilingual corpora. [EMNLP 2013]
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Processing, Seattle, Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.636-646. [PDF,
(2013) Rico Sennrich: Promoting
flexible translations in statistical machine translation. Proceedings of the XIV Machine Translation
Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed. K.Sima’an, M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick,
H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.207-214. [PDF, 599KB]
(2013) Zdenka Uresova, Jana Sindlerova, Eva Fucikova,
& Jan Hajic: An analysis of annotation of
verb-noun idiomatic combinations in a parallel dependency corpus. [NAACL HLT 2013] Proceedings of the 9th
Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2013), Atlanta, Georgia, 13-14 June,
2013; pp.58-63. [PDF, 115KB]
(2012) Dhouha Bouamor, Nasredine Semmar, & Pierre
Zweigenbeaum: Automatic construction of a
multi-word expressions bilingual lexicon: a statistical machine translation
evaluation perspective. COLING 2012:
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
(CogALex-III), Mumbai, December 2012; pp.95-107. [PDF, 210KB]
(2012) Dhouha Bouamor, Nasredine Semmar, & Pierre
Zweigenbaum: Identifying bilingual multi-word
expressions for statistical machine translation. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
21-27 May 2012,
(2012) James Breen, Timothy Baldwin, & Francis
Bond: Segmentation and translation of Japanese
multi-word loanwords. ALTA 2012:
Proceedings of Australasian Language Technology Association Workshop, 4-6
December 2012, Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand; pp. 61-69. [PDF, 249KB]
(2012) Giuliano Lancioni & Marco Boella: Idiomatic MWEs and machine translation, a
retrieval and representation model: the AraMWE project. AMTA-2012: Fourth workshop on computational
approaches to Arabic script-based languages. Proceedings,
(2012) Nikola Ljubešić,
Špela Vintar, & Darja Fišer: Multi-word
term extraction from comparable corpora by combining contextual and constituent
clues. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using
Comparable Corpora: “Language Resources for Machine Translation in
Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”,
LREC 2012 Workshop, 26 May 2012,
(2012) Felipe Sánchez-Martínez, Rafael C.Carrasco,
Miguel A.Martínez-Prieto, & Joaquín Adiego: Generalized bywords for bitext
compression and translation spotting. Journal
of Artificial Intelligence Research 43; pp.389-418. [PDF, 418KB]
(2011) Abhijit Bhole, Goutham Tholpadi, &
Raghavendra Udupa: Mining multi-word named entity
equivalents from comparable corpora. [IJCNLP
2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Named Entities Workshop,
(2011) Dhouha Bouamor, Nasredine Semmar, & Pierre
Zweigenbaum: Improved statistical machine
translation using multiword expressions. [LIHMT] International Workshop on Using Linguistic Information for Hybrid
Machine Translation, 18th November 2011, Universitat Politècnica de
(2011) Petter Haugereid & Francis Bond: Extracting transfer rules for multiword
expressions from parallel corpora. Proceedings
of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the
Real World (MWE 2011),
(2011) Stéphane Huet & Philippe Langlais: Identifying the
translations of idiomatic expressions using TransSearch. Proceedings of the 8th international NLPSC
workshop. Special theme: Human-machine interaction in translation,
Copenhagen Business School, 20-21 August 2011; ed.Bernadette Sharp, Michael
Zock, Michael Carl, Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (Copenhagen Studies in Language 41),
Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur, 2011; pp.45-56. [PDF, 1123KB]
(2011) Hyoung-Gyu Lee, Joo-Young
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(2011) François Lareau,
(2011) Zhanyi Liu, Haifeng Wang, Hua Wu, Ting Liu, & Sheng Li: Reordering with source language collocations. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Luís Marujo, Nuno Grazina, Tiago Luís, Wang
Ling, Luísa Coheur, & Isabel Trancoso: BP2EP
– adaptation of Brazilian Portuguese texts to European Portuguese. [EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May
2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent
Vandeghinste; pp.129-136. [PDF, 352KB]
(2011) Johanna Monti, Anabela Barreiro, Annibale Elia, Federica Marano,
& Antonella Napoli: Taking on new
challenges in multi-word unit processing for machine translation.
Proceedings of the Second International
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(2011) Hwidong Na & Jong-Hyeok Lee: Multi-word
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(2011) Tsuyoshi Okita
& Andy Way: MWE-sensitive word alignment in
factored translation model. Machine
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Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Santanu
(2011) Johan
Violeta Seretan & Eric Wehrli: FipsCoView:
on-line visualisation of collocations extracted from multilingual parallel
corpora. Proceedings of
the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real
World (MWE 2011),
(2011) Thoudam Doren Singh & Sivaji Bandyopadhyay: Integration of reduplicated multiword expressions and named entities in
a phrase based statistical machine translation system. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 5th International Joint
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(2011) Yulia
Tsvetkov & Shuly Wintner: Identification
of multi-word expressions by combining multiple linguistic information sources. Machine
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(2010) Anabele
(2010) Marine Carpuat
& Mona Diab: Task-based evaluation of
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the 2010 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
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(2010) Marta R.Costa-jussà, Vidas Daudaravicius, & Rafael E.Banchs: Integration of statistical collocation
segmentations in a phrase-based statistical machine translation system. EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May
(2010) Xiangyu Duan, Min
Zhang, & Haizhou Li: Pseudo-word for phrase-based
machine translation. ACL 2010: the
48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) María Fernández-Parra & Pius ten Hacken: Identifying fixed expressions: a
comparison of SDL MultiTerm Extract and Déjà Vu’s lexicon. Translating
and the Computer 32, 18-19
November 2010,
(2010) Carlos
A.Henríquez Q., Marta R.Costa-jussà, Vidas Daudaravicius, Rafael E.Banchs,
& José B.Mariño: UPC-BMIC-VDU system description for the IWSLT 2010: testing several
collocation segmentations in a phrase-based SMT system. Proceedings
of the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2-3
December 2010,
(2010) Carlos A.Henríquez Q., Marta R.Costa-jussà, Vidas Daudaravicius,
Rafael E.Banchs, & José B.Mariño: Using collocation segmentation to augment the
phrase table. ACL 2010: Joint Fifth
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR. Proceedings of
the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Zhanyi Liu,
Haifeng Wang, Hua Wu, & Sheng Li: Improving
statistical machine translation with monolingual collocation. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Tsuyoshi Okita,
Alfredo Maldonado Guerra, Yvette Graham, &
(2010) Xabier Saralegi & Maddalen Lopez de
Lacalle: Dictionary and monlingual
corpus-based query translation for Basque-English CLIR. LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
Nasredine Semmar, Christophe Servan, Gaël de Chalendar, Benoît Le Ny,
& Jean-Jacques Bouzaglou: A hybrid word
alignment approach to improve translation lexicons with compound words and
idiomatic expressions. Translating
and the Computer 32, 18-19 November 2010,
(2010) Yulia Tsvetkov
& Shuly Wintner: Extraction of
multi-word expressions from small parallel corpora. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
23-27 August 2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1256-1264. [PDF,
Names and named entities
(2014) Guillaume Jacquet, Maud Ehrmann, & Ralf
Steinberger: Clustering of multi-word named
entity variants: multilingual evaluation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center,
Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.2696-2700. [PDF, 217KB]
(2014) Keith Miller, Linda Moreau, & Sherri
Condon: Handling
entities in MT/CAT/HLT. AMTA 2014:
proceedings of the eleventh conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Vancouver, BC, October 22-26; Tutorials, 88 slides
(2014) Liling Tan & Santanu Pal: Manawi: using multi-word expressions and named
entities to improve machine translation. [WMT 2014] Proceedings
of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) Mahmoud Azab, Houda Bouamor, Behrang Mohit,
& Kemal Oflazer: Dudley North visits
North London: learning when to transliterate to Arabic. [NAACL-HLT 2013] The 2013 conference of the
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human
Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Wanxiang Che, Mengqiu Wang, Christopher
D.Manning, & Ting Liu: Named entity
recognition with bilingual constraints. [NAACL-HLT
2013] The 2013 conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Yufeng Chen, Chengqing Zong; & Keh-Yi Su: A joint model to identify and align bilingual named
entities. Computational Linguistics
39 (2); pp.229-266. [PDF, 708KB]
(2013) Kareem Darwish: Named
entitiy recognition using cross-lingual resources: Arabic as an example. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2013) Taesung Lee & Seung-won Hwang: Bootstrapping entity translation on weakly comparable
corpora. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Haibo Li, Jing Zheng, Heng Ji, Qi Li, & Wen
Wang: Name-aware machine translation. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Santanu Pal, Sudip Kumar Naskar, & Sivaji
Bandyopadhyay: A hybrid word alignment model for
phrase-based statistical machine translation. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Hybrid Approaches to Translation,
(2013) Nasredine Semmar & Houda
Saadane: Using transliteration of proper names
from Arabic to Latin script to improve English-Arabic word alignment. International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Mengqiu Wang, Wanxiang Che, & Christopher
D.Manning: Joint word alignment and bilingual
named entity recognition using dual decomposition. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Gae-won You, Young-rok Cha, Jinhan Kim, &
Seung-won Hwang: Enriching entity translation
discovery using selective temporality. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.201-205.
[PDF, 651KB]
(2013) Chao Zhang, Shiqi Zhao, &
Haifeng Wang: Bootstrapping large-scale named
entities using URL-text hybrid patterns. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2012) see Proceedings of NEWS 2012 Named Entities
Workshop, July 12, 2012, Jeju,
(2012) Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie
J.Dorr, Chris Callison-Burch, Nathaniel W.Filardo, Christine Piatko, Lori
Levin, & Scott Miller: Use of modality and
negation in semantically-informed syntactic MT. Computational Linguistics 38 (2), pp. 411-438. [PDF, 3140KB]
(2012) Mahathi Bhagavatula, Santosh GSK, &
Vasudeva Varma: Language-independent named
entity identification using Wikipedia. [ACL 2012]
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Multilingual Modeling, Jeju,
(2012) M.L.Dhore, S.K.Dixit, & R.M.Dhore: Hindi and Marathi to English NE transliteration
tool using phonology and stress analysis. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, Mumbai, December
2012; pp.111-118. [PDF, 301KB]
(2012) M.L.Dhore, S.K.Dixit, & R.M.Dhore: Optimizing transliteration for Hindi/Marathi to
English using only two weights. COLING:
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Optimization Techniques for
Human Language Technology, December 2012; pp. 31-47. [PDF, 293KB]
(2012) Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Kugatsu Sadamitsu,
Kuniko Saito, Toshiro Makino, & Yoshihiro Matsuo: Creating an extended named entity dictionary
from Wikipedia. Proceedings of COLING
2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.1163-1178. [PDF, 176KB]
(2012) Brant N.Kay & Brian C.Rineer: Approaches to Arabic name transliteration and matching
in the DataFlux quality knowledge base. AMTA-2012:
Fourth workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages.
(2012) Sungchul Kim, Kristina
Toutanova, & Hwanjo Yu: Multilingual named
entitity recognition using parallel data and metadata from Wikipedia. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Dawn Lawrie, James Mayfield, Paul McNamee,
& Douglas W.Oard: Creating and curating a
cross-language person-entity linking collection. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Xuansong Li, Stephanie M.Strassel, Heng Ji,
Kira Griffitt, & Joe Ellis: Linguistic resources
for entity linking evaluation: from monolingual to cross-lingual. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Keith J.Miller, Elizabeth Schroeder Richerson,
Sarah McLeod, James Finley, & Aaron Schein: International
multicultural name matching competition: design, execution, results, and
lessons learned. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Vassilina Nikoulina, Agnes Sandor, & Marc
Dymetman: Hybrid adaptation of named entity
recognition for statistical machine translation. COLING 2012: Second Workshop on Applying Machine Learning Techniques to
Optimise the Division of Labour in Hybrid MT (ML4HMT), Mumbai, December
2012; pp.1-15. [PDF, 198KB]
(2012) Thi Thanh Thao Phan, & Izabella Thomas:
(2012) Mārcis Pinnis: Latvian and Lithuanian named entity recognition
with TildeNER. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Feiliang Ren: A
practical Chinese-English ON translation method based on ON’s distribution
characteristics on the web. Proceedings
of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp. 239-246.
[PDF, 102KB]
(2012) Carolin Shihadeh & Günter Neumann: ARNE – a tool for named entity recognition from
Arabic text. AMTA-2012: Fourth
workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages.
(2012) Oscar Täckström: Nudging the envelope of direct transfer
methods for multilingual named entity recognition. NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure,
(2012) Katherine M.Young, Jeremy Gwinnup, & Joshua
Reinhart: Reversing the Palladius mapping of
Chinese names in Russian text. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2011) see Proceedings of the
2011 Named Entities Workshop,
(2011) Yufeng Chen & Chengqing Zong: A semantic-specific model for Chinese named entity
translation. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings
of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2011) Thoudam Doren Singh & Sivaji Bandyopadhyay:
Integration of reduplicated multiword
expressions and named entities in a phrase based statistical machine
translation system. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings
of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2011) Héla Fehri, Kais Haddar, & Abdelmajid Ben
Hamadou: A new representation model for the
automatic recognition and translation of Arabic named entities with NooJ. [RANLP
2011] Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing,
Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011; pp.545-550. [PDF, 214KB]
(2011) Héla Fehri, Kais Haddar, & Abdelmajid Ben
Hamadou: Recognition and translation of Arabic
named entities with NooJ using a new representation model. Proceedings of the 9th International
Workshop on Finite State Methods and Natural Language Processing,
(2011) Ruiji Fu, Bing Qin, & Ting Liu: Generating Chinese named entity data from a parallel
corpus. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of
the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2011) Deirdre Hogan, Jennifer Foster, & Josef van Genabith: Decreasing lexical data sparsity in statistical
syntactic parsing – experiments with named entities. Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and
Generation to the Real World (MWE 2011),
(2011) Tomoya Iwakura: A
named entity recognition method using rules acquired from unlabeled data. [RANLP 2011] Proceedings of Recent Advances
in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011;
pp.170-177. [PDF, 306KB]
(2011) Johannes Knopp: Extending
a multilingual lexical resource by bootstrapping named entity classification
using Wikipedia’s category system. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access,
(2011) Kiran Kumar N,
Santosh GSK, & Vasudeva Varma: A
language-independent approach to identify the named entities in under-resourced
languages, and clustering multilingual documents. CLEF 2011: Conference on Multilingual and Multimodal Iinformation
Access Evaluation, 19-22 September 2011,
(2011) Emeline Lecuit, Denis Maurel, & Duško
Vitas: A tagged and aligned corpus for the study
of proper names in translation. AEPC
2011: proceedings of the Second Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of
Parallel Corpora, associated with the 8th International Conference on
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2011), 15th September
(2011) Wang Ling, Pável Calado, Bruno Martins, Isabel
Trancoso, Alan Black, & Luísa Coheur: Named
entity translation using anchor texts. IWSLT
2011: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Santanu Pal, Tanmoy
Chakraborty, & Sivaji Bandyopadhyay: Handling
multiword expressions in phrase-based statistical machine translation. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine
Translation Summit [organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine
Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Antonio Toral &
(2011) Marco Turchi: Multilingual text mining and machine
translation activities carried out at the EC’s Joint Research Center.
Invited talk at: Sixth Machine
Translation Marathon, 5-10 September 2011,
(2010) Yassine Benajiba, Imed Zitouni, Mona Diab, & Paolo Rosso: Arabic named entity recognition: using features
extracted from noisy data. ACL 2010:
the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Gosse Bouma: Cross-lingual ontology alignment using EuroWordNet
and Wikipedia. LREC 2010: proceedings
of the seventh international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) David Burkett,
Slav Petrov, John Blitzer, & Dan Klein: Learning
better monolingual models with unannotated bilingual text. CoNLL-2010: Fourteenth Conference on
Computational Natural Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference,
15-16 July 2010, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; pp.46-54. [PDF, 431KB]
(2010) Yufeng Chen,
Chenqing Zong, & Keh-Yih Su: On jointly
recognizing and aligning bilingual named entities. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2010) William McIntyre: Translation of Chinese entities
in Russian text. AMTA 2010: the Ninth
conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas,
Brian Roberson: Multi-language desktop suite. AMTA 2010: the Ninth conference of the Association for
Machine Translation in the Americas,
(2010) Ling-Xiang Tang,
Shlomo Geva, Andrew Trotman, & Yue Xu: A
voting mechanism for named entity translation in English-Chinese question
answering. [Coling 2010] Proceedings
of the 4th Workshop on Cross Lingual Information Access,
(2010) Raghavendra Udupa & Mitesh Khapra: Improving the multilingual user experience of
Wikipedia using cross-language name search. NAACL HLT 2010: Human Language Technologies: the 2010 annual conference
of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings… June 2-4, 2010,
(2010) Gae-won You, Seung-won Hwang, Young-In Song, Long Jiang, &
Zaiqing Nie: Mining name translations from entity
graph mapping. [EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT, Massachusetts, USA,
9-11 October 2010; pp.430-439. [PDF, 1542KB]
(2012) Kathryn Baker, Michael Bloodgood, Bonnie
J.Dorr, Chris Callison-Burch, Nathaniel W.Filardo, Christine Piatko, Lori
Levin, & Scott Miller: Use of modality and
negation in semantically-informed syntactic MT. Computational Linguistics 38 (2), pp. 411-438. [PDF, 3140KB]
(2012) Danielle L.Mowery, Sumithra Velupillai, &
Wendy W.Chapman: Medical diagnosis lost in
translation – analysis of uncertainty and negation expressions in English and
Swedish clinical texts. Proceedings
of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2012),
Montréal, Canada, June 8, 2012; pp.56-64. [PDF, 288KB]
(2012) Dominikus Wetzel &
Francis Bond: Enriching parallel corpora for
statistical machine translation with semantic negation rephrasing. SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics
and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju,
Neologisms see Unknown and rare words
Non-contiguous relations see Discontiguous relations
(2013) Wei Xu, Alan Ritter, & Ralph Grishman: Gathering and generating paraphrases from Twitter with
application to normalization. Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora,
Nouns and noun phrases
(2014) Marcin Junczys-Dowmunt & Bruno Pouliquen: SMT of German patents at WIPO:
decompounding and verb structure pre-reordering. Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of
the European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2014, Dubrovnik,
Croatia, 16th-18th June 2014, edited by Marko Tadić, Philipp Koehn, Johann
Roturier, Andy Way; pp.217-220. [PDF, 369KB]
(2014) Carla Parra Escartin: Chasing the perfect splitter: a comparison of
different compound splitting tools. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.2990-2994. [PDF, 3340-3347B]
(2014) Philip Williams, Rico Sennrich, Maria Nadejde,
Matthias Huck, Eva Hasler, & Philipp Koehn: Edinburgh’s
syntax-based systems at WMT 2014. [WMT 2014] Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2013) İlknur
Durgar El-Kahlout & Coşkun Mermer: TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM
German-English machine translation systems for W13. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Masato Hagiwara & Satoshi Sekine: Accurate word segmentation using transliteration
and language model projection. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9
2013; pp.183-189. [PDF, 548KB]
(2013) Sara Stymne, Nicola Cancedda, & Lars
Ahrenberg: Generation of compound words in
statistical machine translation into compounding languages. Computational Linguistics 39 (4);
pp.1067-1108. [PDF, 615KB]
(2013) Marion
Weller, Max Kisselew, Svetlana Smekalova, Alexander Fraser, Helmut Schmid,
Nadir Durrani, Hassan Sajjad & Richárd Farkas: Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart submissions at
WMT13: morphological and syntactic processing for SMT. WMT
2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings of the
Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2012) Hiroyuki Kaji, Takashi
Tsunakawa, & Yoshihiro Komatsubara: Improving
compositional translation with comparable corpora. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop, 26 May 2012,
(2011) Shane Bergsma, David Yarowsky, & Kenneth Church: Using large monolingual and bilingual corpora to
improve coordination disambiguation. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Nathan Green: Effects of noun
phrase bracketing in dependency parsing and machine translation. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Session,
(2011) Els Lefever & Véronique Hoste: An evaluation and possible improvement path for
current SMT behavior on ambiguous nouns. Proceedings of SSST-5, Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and
Structure in Statistical Translation, ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA,
June 2011; pp.52-60. [PDF, 164KB]
(2011) Klaus Macherey, Andrew M.Dai, David Talbot, Ashok C.Popat, &
Franz Och: Language-independent compound
splitting with morphological operations. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Sara Stymne: Definite
noun phrases in statistical machine translation into Scandinavian languages.
[EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May
2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds. Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent
Vandeghinste; pp.289-296. [PDF, 336KB]; presentation,
50 slides [PDF]
(2011) Sara Stymne & Nicola Cancedda: Productive generation of compound words in
statistical machine translation. [WMT 2011] Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Philip Williams & Philipp Koehn: Agreement constraints for statistical machine
translation into German. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2010) Mohamed Altantawy, Nizar Habash, Owen Rambow,
& Ibrahim Saleh: Morphological analysis
and generation of Arabic nouns: a morphemic functional approach. LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, organised by ELRA, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Hiroshi
Echizen-ya & Kenji Araki: Automatic
evaluation method for machine translation using noun-phrase chunking. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout
& François Yvon: The pay-offs of
preprocessing for German-English statistical machine translation. [PDF,
(2010) Soma Paul,
Prashant Mathur, & Sushant Kishore: Syntactic
construct: an aid for translating English nominal compound into Hindi. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop
on Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Fabienne Fritzinger
& Alexander Fraser: How to avoid burning
ducks: combining linguistic analysis and corpus statistics for German compound
processing. ACL 2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and
MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Gábor Recski, András Rung, Attila Zséder, &
András Kornai: NP alignment in bilingual corpora.
LREC 2010: proceedings of the seventh international conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
(2010) Maria Rosenberg: Lexical
representation of agentive nominal compounds in French and Swedish [abstract]. CICLING 2010: 11th International Conference on Intelligent Text
Processing and Computational Linguistics, March 21-27, 2010,
(singular and plural)
(2011) Elizabeth Baran &
Nianwen Xue: Singular or plural? Exploiting
parallel corpora for Chinese number prediction. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit
[organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT),
19-23 September 2011,
(2011) David Mareček, Rudolf Rosa, Petra Galuščáková, &
Ondřej Bojar: Two-step translation with
grammatical post-processing. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
and numerals
(2012) Mei Tu, Yu Zhou & Chengqing Zong: A universal approach to translating numerical and time
expressions. IWSLT-2012: 9th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
of vocabulary see Unknown and rare words
(2014) Marianna Apidianaki, Emilia Verzeni, &
Diana McCarthy: Semantic clustering of pivot
paraphrases. LREC 2014: Ninth
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31,
2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.4270-4275. [PDF, 243KB]
(2014) Petra Barančiková, Rudolf Rosa, & Aleš
Tamchyna: Improving evaluation of
English-Czech MT through paraphrasing.
LREC 2014: Ninth International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa
Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari
et al.; pp.2696-2700. [PDF, 127KB]
(2014) Petra Barančíková: Parmesan: Meteor without paraphrases with
paraphrased references. [WMT 2014] Proceedings
of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2014) Mercedes García-Martínez, Karan Singla,
Aniruddha Tammewar, Bartolomé Mesa-Lao, Ankita Thakur, Anusuya M.A., Srinivas
Bangalore, & Michael Carl: SEECAT:
ASR & Eye-tracking enabled computer-assisted translation. Proceedings
of the 17th annual conference of the European Association for Machine
Translation, EAMT 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16th-18th June 2014; pp.81-88.
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(2014) Michaela Regneri, Rui Wang, & Manfred
Pinkal: Aligning predicate-argument structures
for paraphrase fragment extraction. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.4300-4307. [PDF, 216KB]
(2013) Wilker Aziz & Lucia Specia: Multilingual WSD-like constraints for paraphrase
extraction. Proceedings of the
Seventeenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 8-9 August 2013; pp.202-211. [PDF, 248KB]
(2013) Juri Ganitkevitch, Benjamin Van Durme, &
Chris Callison-Burch: PPDB: the
paraphrase database. [NAACL-HLT 2013]
The 2013 conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Majid Razmara, Maryam Siahbani, Gholamreza
Haffari, & Anoop Sarkar: Graph propagation
for paraphrasing out-of-vocabulary words in statistical machine translation. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2013) Wei Xu, Alan Ritter, & Ralph Grishman: Gathering and generating paraphrases from Twitter with
application to normalization. Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora,
(2013) Yulan Yan, Chikara Hashimoto, Kentaro Torisawa,
Takao Kawai, Jun’ichi Kazama, & Stijn de Saeger: Minimally supervised method for multilingual
paraphrase extraction from definition sentences on the web. [NAACL-HLT 2013] The 2013 conference of the
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Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2012) Marianna Apidianaki: Measuring the adequacy of cross-lingual
paraphrases in a machine translation setting. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters, Mumbai, December 2012;
pp.63-72. [PDF, 137KB]
(2012) Emma Barker & Rob Gaizauskas: Assessing the comparability of news texts. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Houda Bouamor,
(2012) Houda Bouamor, Aurélien Max, & Anne Vilnat:
Validation of sub-sentential paraphrases
acquired from parallel monolingual corpora. [EACL 2012] Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter
of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Chris Brockett: Diverse words, shared meanings:
statistical machine translation for paraphrase, grounding, and intent: invited
talk [abstract]. ALTA 2012: Proceedings of Australasian Language Technology Association
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(2012) Christian Buck, Daniel Zeman, & Eva Hasler:
Multiple reference translations for
European languages. Machine
Translation Marathon 2012 September 3-8,
(2012) Juri Ganitkevitch, Yuan
Cao, Jonathan Weese, Matt Post, & Chris Callison-Burch: Joshua 4.0: packing, PRO, and paraphrases.
WMT 2012: 7th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation. Proceedings of the workshop, June 7-8, 2012,
(2012) Georgi Iliev & Angel Genov: Expanding parallel resources for medium-density
languages for free. LREC 2012: Eighth international conference
on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2012) Dennis N.Mehay & Michael White: Shallow and deep paraphrasing for improved machine
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Monolingual machine translation-2012 workshop. Proceedings,
(2012) Tsuyoshi Okita: Neural probabilistic language model for system
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(2012) Hong Sun & Ming
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Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
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(2012) Pidong Wang, Preslav
Nakov, & Hwee Tou Ng: Source language
adaptation for resource-poor machine translation. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural
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Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island, Korea; pp.286-296.
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(2010) Sander Wubben, Antal van den Bosch, & Emiel
Krahmer: Paraphrase generation as monolingual
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(2012) Sander Wubben, Antal
van den Bosch, & Emiel Krahmer: Sentence
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(2011) Kfir Bar &
Nachum Dershowitz: Using verb paraphrases for
Arabic-to-English example-based translation. Machine Translation and Morphologically- rich Languages: Research
Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Houda Bouamor, Aurélien Max, & Anne Vilnat: Monolingual alignment by edit rate computation on
sentential paraphrase pairs. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Boxing Chen, Roland Kuhn, & George Foster: Semantic smoothing and fabrication of phrase pairs
for SMT. IWSLT 2011: Proceedings of
the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Ido Dagan &
Shachar Mirkin: Textual entailment inference in
machine translation [abstract]. Machine
Translation and Morphologically-rich Languages: Research Workshop of the
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(2011) Juri Ganitkevitch, Chris Callison-Burch, Courtney Napoles, &
Benjamin Van Durme: Learning sentential
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[EMNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Edinburgh,
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(2011) Jie Jiang, Jinhua Du, &
(2011) Wei-Yun Ma &
Kathleen McKeown: System combination for machine
translation based on text-to-text generation. MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit
[organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT),
19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Yuval Marton, Ahmed El Kholy, & Nizar Habash: Filtering antonymous, trend-contrasting, and
polarity-dissimilar distributional paraphrases for improving statistical
machine translation. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Preslav Nakov & Hwee Tou Ng: Translating
from morphologically complex languages: a paraphrase-based approach. ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Masao Utiyama, Graham
Neubig, Takashi Onishi, & Eiichiro Sumita: Searching
translation memories for paraphrases.
MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth
Machine Translation Summit [organized by the] Asia-Pacific Association for
Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Rui Wang & Chris
Callison-Burch: Paraphrase fragment extraction
from monolingual comparable corpora. ACL
2011: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Building and Using Comparable
(2010) Hala Almaghout, Jie Jiang, &
(2010) Wilker Aziz, Marc
Dymetman, Shachar Mirkin, Lucia Specia, Nicola Cancedda, & Ido Dagan: Learning an expert from human annotations in
statistical machine translation: the case of out-of-vocabulary words. EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th Annual
conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, 27-28 May
(2010) Michael Denkowski
& Alon Lavie: METEOR-NEXT and the METEOR
paraphrase tables: improved evaluation support for five target languages. ACL 2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the
workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
(2010) Michael
Denkowski, Hassan Al-Haj, & Alon Lavie: Turker-assisted paraphrasing for
English-Arabic machine translation. Proceedings
of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with
Amazon’s Mechanical Turk,
(2010) Jinhua Du, Jie Jiang,
(2010) Yakov Kronrod,
Philip Resnik, Olivia Buzek, Chang Hu, Alex Quinn, & Benjamin B.Bederson: Improving translation via targeted paraphrasing.
to workshop of ‘Collaborative translation’ at AMTA 2010: the Ninth conference of the
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Denver, Colorado,
October 31, 2010; 4pp. [PDF, 79KB]
(2010) Roland Kuhn,
Boxing Chen, George Foster, & Evan Stratford: Phrase
clustering for smoothing TM probabilities – or, how to extract paraphrases from
phrase tables. Coling 2010: 23rd
International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Proceedings of the
conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Yuval Marton: Improved
statistical machine translation with hybrid phrasal paraphrases derived from
monolingual text and shallow lexical resource. AMTA 2010: the Ninth conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4,
2010; 10pp. [PDF, 293KB]
(2010) Aurélien Max: Example-based paraphrasing for improved phrase-based
statistical machine translation.
[EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the
2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT,
Massachusetts, USA, 9-11 October 2010; pp.656-666. [PDF, 234KB]
(2010) Takashi Onishi,
Masao Utiyama & Eiichiro Sumita: Paraphrase
lattice for statistical machine translation. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2010) Soma Paul,
Prashant Mathur, & Sushant Kishore: Syntactic
construct: an aid for translating English nominal compound into Hindi. Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on
Extracting and Using Constructions in Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Philip Resnik, Olivia
Buzek, Chang Hu, Yakov Kronrod, Alex Quinn, & Benjamin B.Bederson: Improving translation via targeted paraphrasing.
[EMNLP 2010] Proceedings of the 2010
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, MIT,
Massachusetts, USA, 9-11 October 2010; pp.127-137. [PDF, 548KB]
(2010) Shiqi Zhao,
Haifeng Wang, Xiang Lan, & Ting Liu: Leveraging
multiple MT engines for paraphrase generation. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Filip Graliński: Mining parenthetical translations for
Syntactic analysis, Tagging
(2011) Ma Jianjun, Huang Degen, Liu Haixia, & Sheng Wenfeng: POS tagging of English particles for machine
translation. MT
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19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Xianchao Wu, Takuya Matsuzaki, Jun’ichi Tsujii: Effective use of function words for rule generalization
in forest-based translation. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
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(2010) Jinhua Du &
Andy Way: A discriminative latent variable-based
“DE” classifier for Chinese-English SMT. Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
Parts of speech see Tagging
(2012) Benjamin Gottesman: Statistical machine translation for
depassivizing German part-of-speech sequences. AMTA-2012: Monolingual machine translation-2012 workshop.
names see Names [named entities]
Phonology and phonetics
(2015) Oliver Adams, Graham Neubig, Trevor Cohn &
Steven Bird: Inducing
bilingual lexicons from small quantities of sentence-aligned phonemic
transcriptions. [IWSLT 2015]
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
December 3-4, 2015, Da Nang, Vietnam; pp.248-255. [PDF, 2.8MB]
(2012) Zeeshan Ahmed, Jie Jiang, Julie
Carson-Berndsen, Peter Cahill, & Andy Way: Hierarchical
phrase-based MT for phonetic representation-based speech translation. AMTA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference of
the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2012) M.L.Dhore, S.K.Dixit, & R.M.Dhore: Hindi and Marathi to English NE transliteration
tool using phonology and stress analysis. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, Mumbai, December
2012; pp.111-118. [PDF, 301KB]
(2012) Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi
& Hal Daumé III: Regularized
interlingual projections: evaluation on multilingual transliteration. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island,
Korea; pp.12-23. [PDF, 700KB]
(2010) Kareem Darwish: Transliteration mining with phonetic conflation
and iterative training. NEWS 2010:
Proceedings of the 2010 Named Entities
Workshop, ACL 2010,
(2014) Irina Burukina: Translating implicit elements in RBMT. Translating and the Computer 36: proceedings.
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December 2012; pp. 93-101. [PDF, 249KB]
(2010) Jin-Ji Li, Jungi Kim & Jong-Hyeok Lee: Transferring syntactic relations of
subject-verb-object pattern in Chinese-to-Korean SMT. AMTA 2010: the Ninth conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4,
2010; 10pp. [PDF, 774KB]
(2010) Taiji Nagasaka, Ran Shimanouchi, Akiko
Sakamoto, Takafumi Suzuki, Yohei Morishita, Takehito Utsuro, & Suguru
Matsuyoshi: Utilizing semantic equivalence
classes of Japanese functional expressions in translation rule acquisition from
parallel patent sentences. LREC 2010:
proceedings of the seventh international
conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May 2010,
Pragmatics in MT
Marco Turchi, Matteo Negri & Marcello Federico: Coping with the subjectivity of human
judgements in MT quality estimation. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings
of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2012) David Farwell: Pragmatics as the ultimate
challenge to high quality MT [abstract]. In: Crosslingual Language Technology in service
of an integrated multilingual Europe, 4-5 May 2012,
(2012) Takatomo Kano, Sakriani Sakti, Shinnosuke
Takamichi, Graham Neubig, Tomoki Toda, & Satoshi Nakamura: A method for translation of paralinguistic information.
IWSLT-2012: 9th International Workshop on
Spoken Language Translation,
(2010) Carmen Banea,
Rada Mihalcea, & Janyce Wiebe: Multilingual
subjectivity: are more languages better? Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Jungi Kim, Jin-Ji
Li, & Jong-Hyeok Lee: Evaluating
multilanguage-comparability of subjectivity analysis systems. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2010) Fangzhong Su
& Katja Markert: Word sense subjectivity
for cross-lingual lexical substitution. NAACL
HLT 2010: Human Language Technologies: the 2010 annual conference of the North
American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings… June 2-4, 2010,
and arguments see Dependency relations
(2014) Marion Weller, Sabine Schulte im Walde, &
Alexander Fraser: Using noun class information to model selectional preferences for
translating prepositions in SMT. AMTA
2014: proceedings of the eleventh conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Vancouver, BC, October 22-26; pp.275-287. [PDF,
(2012) Jayan V, Sunil R, & Bhadran V K: Disambiguation of pre/post positions in English –
Malayalam text translation. COLING
2012: Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian
Languages (MTPIL-2012), Mumbai, December 2012; pp. 93-101. [PDF, 249KB]
(2012) Reshef Shilon, Hanna Fadida, & Shuly
Wintner: Incorporating linguistic knowledge in
statistical machine translation: translating prepositions. EACL Workshop on Innovative Hybrid
Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data, 23 April 2012,
(2010) Md.Zahurul Islam,
Jörg Tiedemann & Andreas Eisele: English to
Bangla phrase-based machine translation.
EAMT 2010: Proceedings of the 14th
Annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation,
27-28 May 2010,
(2015) Dong Zhan & Hiromi Nakaiwa: Automatic detection of antecedents
of Japanese zero pronouns using a Japanese-English bilingual corpus. MT Summit XV, October 30 – November 3, 2015,
Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT Summit XV: vol.1: MT Researchers’
Track; pp.66-79. [PDF, 863KB]
(2014) Liane Guillou, Christian Hardmeier, Aaron
Smith, Jörg Tiedemann, & Bonnie Webber: ParCor
1.0: a parallel pronoun-coreference corpus to support statistical MT. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.3191-3198. [PDF, 126KB]
(2014) Christian Hardmeier: Discourse in statistical machine translation
[abstract]. PhD thesis,
(2013) Christian Hardmeier, Jörg
Tiedemann & Joakim Nivre: Latent
anaphora resolution for cross-lingual pronoun prediction. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.380-391. [PDF, 274KB]
(2013) Michal Novák, Anna Nedoluzhko, &
Zdeněk Žabokrtský: Translation of “it” in
a deep syntax framework. Proceedings
of the Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Michal Novák, Zdeněk
Žabokrtský & Anna Nedoluzhko: Two case
studies on translating pronouns in a deep syntax framework. International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Bing Xiang, Xiaoqiang Luo, & Bowen Zhou: Enlisting the ghost: modeling empty categories for
machine translation. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2012) Liane Guillou: Improving
pronoun translation for statistical machine translation. [EACL 2012] Proceedings of the EACL Student
Research Workshop,
(2012) Lorenza Russo,
(2012) Lorenza Russo, Sharid Loáiciga, & Asheesh
Gulati: Improving machine translation of null
subjects in Italian and Spanish. [EACL 2012] Proceedings of the EACL Student
Research Workshop,
(2012) Hirotoshi Taira,
Katsuhito Sudoh, & Masaaki Nagata: Zero
pronoun resolution can improve the quality of J-E translation. SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics
and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju,
(2012) Kateřina
Veselovská, Nguy Giang Linh, & Michal Novák: Using Czech-English parallel corpora in
automatic identification of it. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop, 26 May 2012,
(2010) Christian Hardmeier & Marcello Federico: Modelling pronominal anaphora in statistical
machine translation. Proceedings of
the 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2-3 December
(2010) Ronan Le Nagard
& Philipp Koehn: Aiding pronouns
translation with co-reference resolution. ACL
2010: Joint Fifth Workshop on
Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR. Proceedings of the
workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
Michael Heck, Sebastian Stüker, Sakriani
Sakti, Alex Waibel, & Satoshi Nakamura: Incremental
unsupervised training for university lecture recognition. [IWSLT 2013] Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation,
(2011) Jun Hatori & Hisami Suzuki: Japanese pronunciation prediction as phrasal
statistical machine translation. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2015) Eunah Cho, Jan Niehues, Kevin Kilgour, &
Alex Waibel: Punctuation
insertion for real-time spoken language translation. [IWSLT 2015] Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation, December 3-4, 2015, Da Nang, Vietnam; pp.173-179.
[PDF, 2.5MB]
(2013) Alexandra Birch, Nadir Durrani, & Philipp
Koehn: English SLT and MT system description for
the IWSLT 2013 evaluation. [IWSLT
2013] Proceedings of the 10th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) Eunah Cho, Jan Niehues, & Alex Waibel: Segmentation and punctuation prediction in speech
language translation using a monolingual translation system. IWSLT-2012: 9th International Workshop on
Spoken Language Translation,
(2011) Stephan Peitz, Markus Freitag, Arne Mauser,
& Hermann Ney: Modeling punctuation
prediction as machine translation. IWSLT
2011: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2010) Germán Sanchis-Trilles, Jesús Andrés-Ferrer, Guillem
Gascó, Jesús González-Rubio, Pascual Martínez-Gómez, Martha-Alicia Rocha, Joan-Andreu Sánchez, & Francisco
Casacuberta: UPV-PRHLT English-Spanish
system for WMT10. ACL 2010: Joint
Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR.
Proceedings of the workshop, 15-16 July 2010,
Questions see Interrogatives and questions
Rare words see Unknown and rare words
(2011) Thoudam Doren Singh & Sivaji Bandyopadhyay:
Integration of reduplicated multiword
expressions and named entities in a phrase based statistical machine
translation system. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings
of the 5th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2014) Liane Guillou, Christian Hardmeier, Aaron
Smith, Jörg Tiedemann, & Bonnie Webber: ParCor
1.0: a parallel pronoun-coreference corpus to support statistical MT. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.3191-3198. [PDF, 126KB]
(2013) Guisheng Ben, Deyi Xiong, Zhiyang Teng, Yajuan
Lü, & Qun Liu: Bilingual lexical cohesion
trigger model for document-level machine translation. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013;
pp.382-386. [PDF, 155KB]
(2013) Beata Beigman Klebanov & Michael Flor: Associative texture is lost in translation.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Discourse
in Machine Translation (DiscoMT),
(2013) Deyi Xiong, Yang Ding, Min
Zhang, & Chew Lim Tan: Lexical chain based
cohesion models for document-level statistical machine translation. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of the 2013
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.1563-1573. [PDF, 254KB]
(2012) Minwei Feng, Weiwei Sun, & Hermann Ney: Semantic cohesion model for phrase-based SMT.
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical
Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.867-878. [PDF, 227KB]
(2012) Baoli Li: Learning to model multilingual unrestricted
coreference in OntoNotes. Proceedings
of the Joint Conference on EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2012) Ziheng Lin, Chang Liu,
Hwee Tou Ng, & Min-Yen Kan: Combining coherence
models and machine translation evaluation metrics for summarization evaluation.
[ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Kateřina
Veselovská, Nguy Giang Linh, & Michal Novák: Using Czech-English parallel corpora in
automatic identification of it. [BUCC 2012] The 5th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora: “Language
Resources for Machine Translation in Less-Resourced Languages and Domains”, LREC 2012 Workshop, 26 May 2012,
(2012) Rob Voigt & Dan
Jurafsky: Towards a literary machine
translation: the role of referential cohesion. NAACL-HLT Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature,
(2012) Billy T.M.Wong &
Chunyu Kit: Extending machine translation
evaluation metrics with lexical cohesion to document level. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island,
Korea; pp.1060-1068. [PDF, 125KB]
(2012) Hao Xiong & Qun
Liu: ICT: system description for CoNLL-2012.
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on
EMNLP and CoNLL: Shared Task, July 13, 2012,
(2011) Andrei Popescu-Belis,
Bruno Cartoni, Andrea Gesmundo,
James Henderson, Cristina Grisot,
Paola Merlo, Thomas Meyer,
Jacques Moeschler & Sandrine Zufferey: Improving
MT coherence through text-level processing of input texts: the COMTIS project. Tralogy,
Registers see Dialects and registers
Structure Theory see Discourse
(2013) Alexandra Balahur & Marco
Turchi: Improving sentiment analysis in
Twitter using multilingual machine translated data. Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria,
7-13 September 2013; pp.49-55. [PDF, 99KB]
(2013) Motaz Saad, David Langlois, & Kamel Smaili:
Comparing multilingual comparable articles based
on opnions. Proceedings of the 6th
Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora,
(2013) Svitlana Volkova, Theresa Wilson, & David
Yarowsky: Exploring sentiment in social media:
bootstrapping subjectivity clues from multilingual Twitter streams. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.505-510.
[PDF, 317KB]
(2012) Alexandra Balahur & Marco Turchi: Multilingual sentiment analysis using machine
translation. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on
Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis, Jeju,
(2012) Guo-Hau Lai, Ying-Mei
Guo, & Richard Tzong-Han Tsai: Unsupervised
Japanese-Chinese opinion word translation using dependency distance and
feature-opinion association weight. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.1503-1517. [PDF, 254KB]
(2012) Xinfan Meng, Furu Wei, Ge Xu, Longkai Zhang,
Xiaohua Liu, Ming Zhou, & Houfeng Wang: Lost
in translations? Building sentiment lexicons using context based machine
translation. Proceedings of COLING
2012: Posters, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.829-838. [PDF, 232KB]
(2012) Smruthi Mukund & Rohini K.Srihari: Analyzing Urdu social media for sentiments using
transfer learning with controlled translations. Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Language in Social Media (LSM 2012),
Montréal, Canada, June 7, 2012; pp.1-8. [PDF, 393KB]
(2012) Amira Shoukry & Ahmed
Rafea: Preprocessing Egyptian dialect tweets
for sentiment mining. AMTA-2012:
Fourth workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages.
(2011) Kevin Duh, Akinori Fujino, & Masaaki Nagata: Is machine translation ripe for cross-lingual sentiment
classification? ACL-HLT 2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Sergey Kulikov: What is web-based machine translation up to?
(2011) Mohammed
Rushdi-Saleh, M.Teresa Martín-Valdivia, L.Alfonso Ureña-López, & José
M.Perea-Ortega: Bilingual experiments
with an Arabic-English corpus for opinion mining. [RANLP
2011] Proceedings of Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing,
Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011; pp.740-745. [PDF, 390KB]
(2010) Carmen Banea,
Rada Mihalcea, & Janyce Wiebe: Multilingual
subjectivity: are more languages better? Coling 2010: 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings of the conference, 23-27 August 2010,
(2010) Christian
Scheible: Sentiment translation through lexicon
induction. Proceedings of the ACL
2010 Student Research Workshop,
(2010) Christian
Scheible, Florian Laws, Lukas Michelbacher, & Hinrich Schütze: Sentiment translation through multi-edge graphs.
Coling 2010: 23rd International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, 23-27 August 2010, Beijing
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(2010) Bin Wei & Christopher Pal: Cross
lingual adaptation: an experiment in sentiment classifications. ACL 2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
Sign languages
(2013) Jens Forster, Christoph Schmidt, & Hermann
Ney: SIGNSPEAK: scientific understanding and
vision-based technological development for continuous sign language recognition
and translation. Proceedings of the
XIV Machine Translation
(2013) Camillo Lugaresi & Barbara Di Eugenio: Translating Italian connectives into Italian sign
language. ACL-2013: Proceedings of
the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Christoph Schmidt, Oscar Koller, Hermann Ney,
Thomas Hoyoux, & Justus Piater: Using
viseme recognition to improve a sign language translation system. [IWSLT 2013] Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation,
(2012) ATLAS:
automatic translation into sign languages. [Project paper at] EAMT 2012: Proceedings of the 16th Annual
Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Trento,
Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed. Mauro Cettolo, Marcello Federico, Lucia Specia, Andy Way; p.91. [PDF, 85KB]
(2011) Jin-Woo Chung & Jong C.Park: Text parsing for sign language generation with
combinatory categorial grammar. International
Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology (SLTAT), 23
October 2011,
(2011) Kirsty J.W.Crombie Smith: Sign language – are we making information
accessible? Translating
and the Computer 33, 17-18
November 2011,
(2011) M.Filhol & A.Braffort: Text to SL translation. International
Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology (SLTAT), 10-11
January 2011, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
(2011) Matt Huenerfauth: Cyclic data-driven research on American sign
language automation. International Workshop
on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology (SLTAT), 10-11 January
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(2011) Leonardo Lesmo, Alessandro Mazzei & Daniele P.Radicioni: An ontology based architecture for translation. Proceedings of the Ninth International
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(2011) Sara Morrissey: Assessing three representation methods for sign
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Association for Machine Translation, 30-31 May 2011, Leuven, Belgium; eds.
Mikel L.Forcada, Heidi Depraetere, Vincent Vandeghinste; pp.137-144. [PDF,
(2011) Sara Morrissey: Body at work: using corpora in sign language
machine translation. International
Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology (SLTAT), 10-11
January 2011, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs,
(2011) Eva Safar: Machine
translation with corpus linguistics and HPSG. International Workshop on
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Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin, Germany; 12 slides [PDF
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(2011) Christoph Schmidt,
(2010) Philippe Dreuw, Jens Forster, Yannick Gweth, Daniel Stein,
Hermann Ney, Gregorio Martinez, Jaume Verges Llahi, Onno Crasborn, Ellen Ormel,
Wei Du, Thomas Hoyoux, Justus Piater, Jose Miguel Moya, & Mark Wheatley: SignSpeak – understanding, recognition, and
translation of sign languages. [LREC 2010] 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages:
Corpora and Sign Language Technologies,
(2010) Guillem Massó & Toni Badia: Dealing
with sign language morphemes in statistical machine translation. [LREC
2010] 4th Workshop on the Representation
and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies,
(2010) Sara Morrissey, Harold Somers, Robert Smith, Shane Gilchrist
& Sandipan Dandapat: Building a sign
language corpus for use in machine translation. [LREC 2010] 4th Workshop on the Representation and
Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies,
(2010) Daniel Stein, Jens Forster, Uwe Zelle, Philippe Dreuw, &
Hermann Ney: RWTH-Phoenix: analysis of the German
sign language corpus. [LREC 2010] 4th
Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and
Sign Language Technologies,
(2010) Daniel Stein, Christoph Schmidt, &
Hermann Ney: Sign language machine translation
overkill. Proceedings of the 7th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 2-3 December 2010,
(2015) Isao Goto, Hideki Tanaka, & Tadashi Kumano:
Japanese news
simplification: tak design, data set construction, and analysis of simplified
text. MT Summit XV, October 30 –
November 3, 2015, Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT Summit XV: vol.1:
MT Researchers’ Track; pp.17-31. [PDF, 569KB]
(2013) Maxine Eskenazi, Yibin Lin, & Oscar Saz: Tools for non-native readers: the case for
translation and simplification. [NAACL
HLT 2013] Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop of Natural Language Processing for
Improving Textual Accessibility (NLP4ITA), Atlanta, Georgia, 14 June, 2013;
pp.20-28. [PDF, 297KB]
(2013) David Kauchak: Improving
text simplification language modeling using unsimplified text data. ACL-2013: Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of
the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Han-Bin Chen, Hen-Hsen Huang, Hsin-His Chen,
& Ching-Ting Tan: A
simplification-translation-restoration framework for cross-domain SMT
applications. Proceedings of COLING
2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.545-560. [PDF, 744KB]
(2012) Sander Wubben, Antal
van den Bosch, & Emiel Krahmer: Sentence
simplification by monolingual machine translation. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2015) Nikhil Bojja, Arun Nedunchezhian, & Pidong
Wang: Machine
translation in mobile games: augmenting social media text normalization with
incentivized feedback. MT Summit XV,
October 30 – November 3, 2015, Miami, Florida, USA. Proceedings of MT
Summit XV: vol.2: MT Users’ Track; pp.11-16. [PDF, 465KB]
Slot grammar
(2012) Kurt Eberle, Bogdan Babych, Johanna Geiß,
Mireia Ginestí-Rosell, Anthony Hartley, Reinhard Rapp, Serge Sharoff, &
Martin Thomas: Design of a hybrid high quality
machine translation system. EACL
Joint Workshop on Exploiting Synergies between Information Retrieval and
Machine Translation (ESIRMT) and Hybrid Approaches to Machine Translation
(HyTra): Proceedings of the workshop, 23-24 April 2012, Avignon, France;
pp.101-112. [PDF, 381KB]
Spatial expressions
(2010) Ineke Schuurm an & Vincent Vandeghinste:
Cultural aspects of spatiotemporal analysis
in multilingual applications. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
Spelling checkers and correction
(2014) Irina Galinskaya, Valentin Gusev, Elena
Meshcheryakova, & Mariya Shmatova: Measuring
the impact of spelling errors on the quality of machine translation. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on
Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and
Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.;
pp.2683-2689. [PDF, 448KB]
(2013) Alexey
Borisov,Jacob Dlougach & Irina Galinskaya: Yandex School of Data Analysis machine
translation systems for WMT13. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Behzad Mirzababaei, Heshaam
Faili, & Nava Ehsan: Discourse-aware
statistical machine translation as a context-sensitive spell checker. Proceedings of Recent Advances in
Natural Language Processing, Hissar,
Bulgaria, 7-13 September 2013; pp.475-482. [PDF, 1025KB]
(2012) Hisami Suzuki &
Jianfeng Gao: A unified approach to
transliteration-based text input with online spelling correction. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island,
Korea; pp.609-618. [PDF, 432KB]
(2011) Sara Stymne: Spell checking
techniques for replacment of unknown words and data cleaning for Haitian Creole
SMS translation. [WMT 2011] Proceedings
of the 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
(2011) Igor Boguslavsky: Processing
of Russian by the ETAP-3 linguistic processor. Machine Translation and Morphologically-
rich Languages: Research Workshop of
the Israel Science Foundation,
(2013) Erwan
Moreau & Raphael Rubino: An approach using style classification
features for quality estimation. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings
of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2012) Arianna Bisazza & Marcello Federico: Cutting the long tail: hybrid language models for
translation style adaptation. [EACL
2012] Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2012) Monica Gavrila, Walther v.Hahn, & Cristina
Vertan: Same domain different discourse style:
a case study on language resources for data-driven machine translation. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
21-27 May 2012,
Pragmatics and MT
also Domain restriction and specification]
(2015) Masaru Fuji, Atsushi Fujita, Masao Utiyama,
Eiichiro Sumita, & Yuji Matsumoto: Patent claim translation
based on sublanguage-specific sentence structure. MT Summit XV, October 30 – November 3, 2015, Miami, Florida, USA.
Proceedings of MT Summit XV: vol.1: MT Researchers’ Track; pp.1-16. [PDF,
(2014) Najeh Hajlaoui: SMT for restricted sublanguage in CAT tool
context at the European Parliament. Translating
and the Computer 36: proceedings. Asling: International Society for
Advancement in Language Technology, 27-28 November 2014; pp.228-234. [PDF,
(2013) Lingxiao Wang & Christian Boitet: Online production of HQ parallel corpora and
permanent task-based evaluation of multiple MT systems: both can be obtained
through iMAGs with no added cost. Proceedings
of MT
(2010) Iustina Ilisei, Diana Inkpen, Gloria Corpas Pastor, & Ruslan
Mitkov: Identification of translational sublanguage: a machine learning
approach [abstract]. CICLING 2010: 11th International Conference
on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, March 21-27,
(2010) Graham Russell: Moz:
translation of structured terminology-rich text. TALN 2010.
Proceedings of Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel, 19-23 juillet
(2012) Chunyue Zhang, Tingting
Li, & Tiejun Zhao: Syllable-based machine transliteration
with extra phrase features. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of NEWS 2012 Named
Entities Workshop, July 12, 2012, Jeju,
(2011) Oi Yee Kwong: English-Chinese
personal name transliteration by syllable-based maximum matching. [IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Named
Entities Workshop,
(2010) Chai
Wutiwiwatchai & Ausdang Thangthai: Syllable-based
Thai-English machine transliteration. NEWS
2010: Proceedings of the 2010 Named
Entities Workshop, ACL 2010,
Synchronous context-free grammar see Context-free grammar
Synchronous dependency grammar see Dependency relations
(2014) Ann Bies, Justin Mott, Seth Kulick, Jennifer
Garland, & Colin Warner: Incorporating
alternate translations into English Translation Treebank. LREC 2014:
Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May
26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1863-1868. [PDF, 339KB]
(2013) Daniel Andrade, Masaaki Tsuchida,
Takashi Onishi, & Kai Ishikawa: Synonym
acquisition using bilingual comparable corpora. International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2013) Daniel Andrade, Masaaki Tsuchida, Takashi
Onishi, & Kai Ishikawa: Translation
acquisition using synonym sets. [NAACL-HLT
2013] The 2013 conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2012) Hidetsugu Nanba, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Kiyoko
Uchiyama, & Akiko Aizawa: Automatic
translation of scholarly terms into patent terms using synonym extraction
techniques. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 21-27 May 2012,
(2010) Kfir Bar & Nachum Dershowitz: Using synonyms for Arabic-to-English example-based
translation. AMTA 2010: the Ninth
conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas,
Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4, 2010; 10pp. [PDF, 83KB]
(2010) Hiroyuki Shindo,
Akinori Fujino, & Masaaki Nagata: Word
alignment with synonym regularization. ACL
2010: the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics,
(2013) Mihael Arcan, Susan Marie Thomas, Derek de
Brandt, & Paul Buitelaar: Translating the
FINREP taxonomy using a domain-specific corpus. Proceedings of the XIV Machine Translation
(2011) John McCrae, Maurizio Espinoza, Elena Monteil-Ponsoda, Guadalupe
Aguado-de-Cea, & Philipp Cimiano: Combining
statistical and semantic approaches to the translation of ontologies and
taxonomies. Proceedings of SSST-5,
Fifth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation,
ACL HLT 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2011; pp.116-125. [PDF, 576KB]
Temporal expressions
Gae-won You, Young-rok Cha, Jinhan Kim, & Seung-won Hwang: Enriching entity translation discovery using selective
temporality. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.201-205.
[PDF, 651KB]
(2012) Mei Tu, Yu Zhou & Chengqing Zong: A universal approach to translating numerical and time
expressions. IWSLT-2012: 9th
International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2010) Ineke Schuurm an & Vincent Vandeghinste:
Cultural aspects of spatiotemporal analysis
in multilingual applications. LREC
2010: proceedings of the seventh
international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 17-23 May
(2014) Sharid Loáiciga, Thomas Meyer, & Andrei
Popescu-Belis: English-French verb phrase
alignment in Europarl for tense translation modeling. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp. 674-681. [PDF, 179KB]
(2013) Thomas Meyer, Cristina Grisot, & Andrei
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Transduction grammars
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(2013) Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger & Khalil
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(2013) Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki
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(2013) Markus Saers & Dekai Wu: Unsupervised learning of bilingual categories in
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(2013) Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki, & Dekai Wu: Unsupervised transduction grammar induction via
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(2013) Markus Saers & Dekai Wu: Bayesian induction of bracketing inversion
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(2013) Dekai Wu, Karteek Addanki,
Markus Saers, & Meriem Beloucif: Learning to
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(2013) Dekai Wu, Karteek Addanki, & Markus Saers: Modeling hip hop challenge-response lyrics as machine
translation. Proceedings of the XIV
Machine Translation Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed. K.Sima’an,
M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick, H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.109-116. [PDF, 408KB]
(2013) Conghui Zhu, Taro Watanabe, Eiichiro Sumita,
& Tiejun Zhao: Hierarchical phrase table
combination for machine translation. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2012) Karteek Addanki, Chi-kui Lo, Markus Saers,
& Dekai Wu: LTG vs. ITG coverage of
cross-lingual verb frame alternations. EAMT
2012: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association for
Machine Translation, Trento, Italy, May 28-30 2012, ed. Mauro Cettolo,
Marcello Federico, Lucia Specia, Andy Way; pp.295-302. [PDF, 283KB]
(2012) Peng Li, Yang Liu, & Maosung Sun: A beam search algorithm for ITG word alignment.
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.673-682. [PDF, 471KB]
(2012) Hwidong Na & Jong-Hyeok Lee: Forest-to-string translation using binarized
dependency forest for IWSLT 2012 OLYMPICS task. IWSLT-2012: 9th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) Graham Neubig, Taro
Watanabe, & Shinsuke Mori: Inducing a
discriminative parser to optimize machine translation reordering. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
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(2012) Graham Neubig, Taro
Watanabe, Shinsuke Mori, & Tatsuya Kawahara: Machine
translation without words through substring alignment. [ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association
for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Markus Saers, Karteek Addanki, & Dekai Wu: From finite-state to inversion transductions:
toward unsupervised bilingual grammar induction. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers, Mumbai, December
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(2012) Ping Xu & Pascale
Fung: Cross-lingual language modelling with
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(2011) Marcello Federico: Aspects of tree-based statistical machine translation.
Lecture at: Sixth Machine Translation
Marathon, 5-10 September,
(2011) Shujian Huang, Stephan Vogel, & Jiajun Chen: Dealing with spurious ambiguity in learning
ITG-based word alignment. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Yupeng Liu, Tiejun
Zhao, & Sheng Li: Hypergraph training and
decoding of system combination in SMT. MT
Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized by the]
Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Graham Neubig, Taro Watanabe, Eiichiro Sumita, Shinsuke Mori,
& Tatsuya Kawahara: An unsupervised model for
joint phrase alignment and extraction. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Markus Saers & Dekai Wu: Linear transduction grammars and zipper
finite-state transducers. [RANLP 2011] Proceedings of Recent Advances
in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011;
pp.640-647. [PDF, 144KB]
(2011) Markus Saers, Dekai
Wu, & Chris Quirk: On the expressivity of
linear transductions. MT Summit XIII:
the Thirteenth Machine Translation Summit [organized by the] Asia-Pacific
Association for Machine Translation (AAMT), 19-23 September 2011,
(2011) Markus Saers & Dekai Wu: Principled induction of phrasal bilexica. [EAMT 2011]: proceedings of the 15th
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(2011) Dekai Wu: Syntactic SMT and semantic SMT. Tutorial at MT Summit XIII: the Thirteenth Machine
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(2011) Yinggong Zhao, Shujie Liu, Yangsheng Ji, Jiajun
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(2010) Hailong Cao &
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(2010) Yang Feng, Haitao
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(2010) Zhongjun He, Yao Meng, & Hao Yu: Extending the hierachical phrase based model with
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the Ninth conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas,
Denver, Colorado, October 31 – November 4, 2010; 9pp. [PDF, 104KB]
(2010) Shujie Liu,
Chi-Ho Li, & Ming Zhou: Discriminative pruning
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(2010) Gideon
Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Maxim Khalilov, & Khalil Sima’an: A toolkit for visualizing the coherence of
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(2010) Markos Mylonakis
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(2010) Adam Pauls, Dan
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the 2010 annual conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for
Computational Linguistics. Proceedings… June 2-4, 2010,
(2010) Markus Saers,
Joakim Nivre, & Dekai Wu: Linear inversion
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(2010) Markus Saers,
Joakim Nivre, & Dekai Wu: A systematic
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Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical
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Conference on Computational Linguistics, Beijing, China, 28 August 2010;
pp.10-18. [PDF, 279KB]
(2010) Markus Saers,
Joakim Nivre, & Dekai Wu: Word alignment
with stochastic bracketing linear inversion transduction grammar. NAACL
HLT 2010: Human Language Technologies: the 2010 annual conference of the North
American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
Proceedings… June 2-4, 2010,
(2010) Markus Saers,
Joakim Nivre, & Dekai Wu: A systematic
comparison between inversion transduction grammar and linear transduction
grammar for word alignment. SSST-4:
Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical
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Conference on Computational Linguistics, Beijing, China, 28 August 2010;
pp.10-18. [PDF, 279KB]
(2010) Anders Søgaard: Can inversion transduction grammars
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Machine Translation, 27-28 May 2010,
(2010) Jinsong Su, Yang
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statistical machine translation. Coling
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August 2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1185-1193. [PDF,
(2014) Nadir Durrani & Philipp Koehn: Improving machine translation via triangulation
and transliteration. Proceedings of the 17th annual conference of the
European Association for Machine Translation, EAMT 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16th-18th
June 2014, edited by Marko Tadić, Philipp Koehn, Johann Roturier, Andy
Way; pp.71-78. [PDF, 452KB]
(2014) Mitesh M.Khapra, Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan,
Anoop Kunchukuttan, Karthik Visweswariah, & Pushpak Bhattacharyya: When transliteration met crowdsourcing: an
empirical study of transliteration via crowdsourcing using efficient,
non-redundant and fair quality control. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.196-202. [PDF, 180KB]
(2014) Anoop Kunchukuttan, Abhijit Mishra, Rajen
Chatterjee, Ritesh Shah, & Pushpak Bhattacharyya: Śata-Anuvādak: tackling
multiway translation of Indian languages. LREC 2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and
Evaluation, May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center,
Reykjavik, Iceland; ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp. 1781-1787. [PDF, 233KB]
(2014) Keith Miller, Linda Moreau, & Sherri
Condon: Handling
entities in MT/CAT/HLT. AMTA 2014:
proceedings of the eleventh conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Vancouver, BC, October 22-26; Tutorials, 88 slides
(2014) Mircea Petic & Daniela Gîfu: Transliteration and alignment of parallel texts from
Cyrillic to Latin. LREC 2014: Ninth
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26-31,
2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland; ed.
Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1819-1823. [PDF, 462KB]
(2014) John Richardson, Toshiaki Nakazawa, & Sadao
Kurohashi: Bilingual dictionary construction
with transliteration filtering. LREC
2014: Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
May 26-31, 2014 Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Center, Reykjavik, Iceland;
ed. Nicoletta Calzolari et al.; pp.1013-1017. [PDF, 164KB]
(2013) Mahmoud Azab, Houda Bouamor, Behrang Mohit,
& Kemal Oflazer: Dudley North visits
North London: learning when to transliterate to Arabic. [NAACL-HLT 2013] The 2013 conference of the
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Language Technologies, 9-14 June 2013,
(2013) Alexey
Borisov,Jacob Dlougach & Irina Galinskaya: Yandex School of Data Analysis machine
translation systems for WMT13. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Masato Hagiwara & Satoshi Sekine: Accurate word segmentation using transliteration
and language model projection. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9
2013; pp.183-189. [PDF, 548KB]
(2013) Philippe Langlais: Mapping source to target strings without alignment
by analogical learning: a case study with transliteration. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.684-689.
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(2013) Tingting Li, Tiejun Zhao, Andrew Finch, &
Chunyue Zhang: A tightly-coupled unsupervised
clustering and bilingual alignment model for transliteration. ACL-2013:
Proceedings of the 51st Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics, Short papers, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 4-9 2013; pp.393-398.
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(2013) John Richardson, Toshiaki
Nakazawa, & Sadao Kurohashi: Robust
transliteration mining from comparable corpora with bilingual topic models.
International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Hassan
Sajjad, Svetlana Smekalova, Nadir Durrani, Alexander Fraser & Helmut
Schmid: QCRI-MES submission at WMT13: using
transliteration mining to improve statistical machine translation. WMT 2013: 8th Workshop on Statistical
Machine Translation, Proceedings of the Workshop, August 8-9, 2013,
(2013) Nasredine Semmar & Houda
Saadane: Using transliteration of proper names
from Arabic to Latin script to improve English-Arabic word alignment. International Joint Conference on Natural
Language Processing,
(2013) Katsuhito Sudoh, Shinsuke Mori
& Masaaki Nagata: Noise-aware character
alignment for bootstrapping statistical machine transliteration from bilingual
corpora. [EMNLP 2013] Proceedings of
the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle,
Washington, USA, 18-21 October 2013; pp.204-209. [PDF, 617KB]
(2013) Keiko Taguchi, Andrew Finch, Seiichi Yamamoto,
& Eiichiro Sumita: Inducing Romanization
systems. Proceedings of the XIV
Machine Translation Summit, Nice, September 2-6, 2013; ed. K.Sima’an,
M.L.Forcada, D.Grasmick, H.Depraetere, A.Way; pp.19-26. [PDF, 700KB]
(2012) see Proceedings of NEWS 2012 Named Entities
Workshop, July 12, 2012, Jeju,
(2012) Khan Md.Anwarus Salam, Setsuo Yamada, &
Tetsuro Nishino: Sublexical translations for
low-resource language. COLING 2012:
Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Translation and Parsing in Indian
Languages (MTPIL-2012), Mumbai, December 2012; pp.39-51. [PDF, 514KB]
(2012) Walid Aransa, Holger Schwenk, & Loic
Barrault: Semi-supervised transliteration
mining from parallel and comparable corpora. IWSLT-2012: 9th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) Tina Bögel: Urdu-Roman
transliteration via finite state transducers. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Finite State Methods
and Natural Language Processing, Donostia-San Sebastián, July 23-25, 2012;
pp.25-29. [PDF, 147KB]
(2012) Chris Irwin Davis: Tajik-Farsi
Persian transliteration using statistical machine translation. LREC
2012: Eighth international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation,
21-27 May 2012,
(2012) M.L.Dhore, S.K.Dixit, & R.M.Dhore: Hindi and Marathi to English NE transliteration
tool using phonology and stress analysis. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Demonstration Papers, Mumbai, December
2012; pp.111-118. [PDF, 301KB]
(2012) M.L.Dhore, S.K.Dixit, & R.M.Dhore: Optimizing transliteration for Hindi/Marathi to
English using only two weights. COLING:
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Optimization Techniques for
Human Language Technology, December 2012; pp. 31-47. [PDF, 293KB]
(2012) Thoudam Doren Singh: Bidirectional Bengali script and Meetei
Mayek: transliteration of web based Manipuri news corpus. COLING 2012: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop
on South and Southeast Asian Natural Language processing (SANLP), Mumbai, December
2012; pp.181-189. [PDF, 591KB]
(2012) Andrew Finch, Ohnmar Htun, & Eiichiro
Sumita: The NICT translation system for IWSLT
2012. IWSLT-2012: 9th International
Workshop on Spoken Language Translation,
(2012) Jennifer Flather: Sharpening the claws on CAT
tools: increase quality & production, maximize limited resources [abstract]. TA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the
(2012) Utpal Garain, Arjun Das, David S.Doermann,
Douglas D.Oard: Leveraging statistical
transliteration for dictionary-based English-Bengali CLIR of OCR’d text. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters,
Mumbai, December 2012; pp.339-348. [PDF, 235KB]
(2012) Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi
& Hal Daumé III: Regularized
interlingual projections: evaluation on multilingual transliteration. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012: Joint Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Proceedings of the conference, July 12-14, Jeju Island,
Korea; pp.12-23. [PDF, 700KB]
(2012) Brant N.Kay & Brian C.Rineer: Approaches to Arabic name transliteration and matching
in the DataFlux quality knowledge base. AMTA-2012:
Fourth workshop on computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages.
(2012) Gurpreet Singh Lehal & Tejinder Singh
Saini: Development of a complete Urdu-Hindi
transliteration system. Proceedings
of COLING 2012: Posters, Mumbai, December 2012; pp.643-652. [PDF,357KB]
(2012) Ram Prakash H: Quillpad
multilingual predictive transliteration system. COLING 2012: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Advances in Text
Input Methods (WTIM 2), Mumbai, December 2012; pp.107-113. [PDF, 310KB]
(2012) Joel Ross: The conundrum of new online
languages: translating Arabic chat [abstract].
AMTA-2012: the Tenth Biennial Conference
of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2012) Houda Saadane, Ouafa Benterki, Nasredine
Semmar, & Christian Fluhr: Using Arabic
transliteration to improve word alignment from French-Arabic parallel corpora.
AMTA-2012: Fourth workshop on
computational approaches to Arabic script-based languages. Proceedings,
(2012) Hassan Sajjad,
Alexander Fraser, & Helmut Schmid: A
statistical model for unsupervised and semi-supervised transliteration mining.
[ACL 2012] Proceedings of the 50th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Jeju,
(2012) Hisami Suzuki &
(2012) Katherine M.Young, Jeremy Gwinnup, & Joshua
Reinhart: Reversing the Palladius mapping of
Chinese names in Russian text. AMTA-2012:
the Tenth Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the
(2011) see Proceedings of the
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(2011) Rafael E.Banchs: Comparative
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Proceedings of the 2011 Named Entities Workshop,
(2011) Aditya Bhargava & Grzegorz Kondrak: How do you pronounce your name? Improving G2P with
transliterations. ACL-HLT 2011:
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
(2011) Raphael Cohen, Yoav Goldberg, & Michael Elhadad: Transliterated pairs acquisition in medical Hebrew.
Translation and Morphologically- rich Languages: Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation,
(2011) Manaal Faruqui, Prasenjit Majumder, &
Sebastian Padó: Soundex-based translation
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2011] Proceedings of the 5th
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(2011) Ali El-Kahky, Kareem Darwish, Ahmed Saad Aldein, Mohamed Abd
El-Wahab, Ahmed Hefny, & Waleed Ammar: Improved
transliteration mining using graph reinforcement. [EMNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK,
July 27-31, 2011; pp.1384-1393. [PDF, 939KB]
(2011) Masato Hagiwara & Satoshi Sekine: Latent class transliteration based on source
language origin. ACL-HLT 2011:
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational
Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Yun Huang, Min Zhang, & Chew Lim Tan: Nonparametric Bayesian machine transliteration with
asynchronous adaptor grammars. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics: Short papers,
(2011) Ea-Ee Jan, Niyu Ge, Shih-Hsiang Lin, &
(2011) Peter Nabende: Mining
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in Natural Language Processing, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011;
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(2011) Michael Paul, Andrew Finch, Paul R.Dixon, & Eiichiro Sumita:
Dialect translation: integrating Bayesian
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of Dialects and Language Varieties, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 31, 2011;
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(2011) Hassan Sajjad, Alexander Fraser, & Helmut Schmid: An algorithm for unsupervised transliteration mining
with an application to word alignment. ACL-HLT
2011: Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics,
(2011) Hassan Sajjad, Nadir Durrani, Helmut Schmid,
& Alexander Fraser: Comparing two
techniques for learning transliteration models using a parallel corpus.
[IJCNLP 2011] Proceedings of the 5th
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing,
(2011) Min Zhang, Xiangyu Duan, Ming Liu, Yunqing Xia,
& Haizhou Li: Joint alignment and
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(2010) Niraj Aswani
& Robert Gaizauskas: English-Hindi
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(2010) Avinesh PVS &
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2010: Proceedings of the 2010 Named
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(2010) Kareem Darwish: Transliteration mining with phonetic conflation
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(2010) Amitava Das, Tanik
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(2010) Nadir Durrani,
Hassan Sajjad, Alexander Fraser, & Helmut Schmid: Hindi-to-Urdu machine translation through
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(2010) Andrew Finch & Eiichiro Sumita: A
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(2010) Andrew Finch
& Eiichiro Sumita: Transliteration using a
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(2010) Ann Irvine, Mike
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(2010) Ann Irvine, Chris Callison-Burch, & Alexandre
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(2010) Md.Zahurul Islam,
Jörg Tiedemann & Andreas Eisele: English to
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(2010) Sittichai
Jiampojamarn, Kenneth Dwyer, Shane Bergsma, Aditya Bhargava, Qing Dou, Mi-Young
Kim, & Grzegorz Kondrak: Transliteration
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(2010) Mitesh M.Khapra,
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(2010) Amit Kirschenbaum & Shuly Wintner: A general method for creating a bilingual
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(2010) A.Kumaran, Mitesh
M.Khapra, & Haizhou Li: Report of NEWS
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(2010) A.Kumaran, Mitesh
M.Khapra, & Haizhou Li: Whitepaper of
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(2010) Haizhou Li,
A.Kumaran, Min Zhang, & Vladimir Pervouchine: Report
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(2010) Haizhou Li,
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(2010) Peter Nabende: Mining transliterations from Wikipedia using pair
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Workshop, ACL 2010,
(2010) Sara Noeman &
Amgad Madkour: Language independent
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(2010) Ting Qian, Kristy Hollingshead, Su-youn
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(2010) Yan Song, Chunyu
Kit, & Hai Zhao: Reranking with multiple
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(2010) Karthik
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2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Posters volume; pp.1283-1291. [PDF,
(2010) Chai Wutiwiwatchai
& Ausdang Thangthai: Syllable-based
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(2010) Dong Yang, Paul Dixon, & Sadaoki Furui: Jointly optimizing a two-step conditional random field
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(2010) Gae-won You, Seung-won
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(2010) Min Zhang,
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Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG)
Piyush Dungarwal, Rajen Chatterjee, Abhijit Mishra, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Ritesh
Shah, & Pushpak Bhattacharyya: The IIT
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(2011) Yang Liu, Qun Liu, & Yajuan Lü: Adjoining
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(2011) Wei-Yun Ma & Kathleen
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(2014) Miquel Esplà-Gomis, Víctor M.Sánchez-Cartegna,
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(2014) Joern Wuebker, Hermann Ney, Adrià
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Valency see Case grammar
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(2014) Sharid Loáiciga, Thomas Meyer, & Andrei
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(2013) Eric Wehrli & Luka Nerima: Anaphora resolution, collocations and translation.
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Word association
(2013) Beata Beigman Klebanov & Michael Flor: Associative texture is lost in translation.
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(2012) Guo-Hau Lai, Ying-Mei Guo, & Richard
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(2010) Takashi Tsunakawa
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Word frequency
(2010) Adam Kilgarriff: Comparable
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